Dark To Light (11)

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New CHAPTER!!!!! :D




Im sorry for leaving you.... You dont deserve that.... I just have been thinking alot lately and you deserve better then me.... I love you and always will. I just think this is for the best. Im sorry...


I clutched the note to my chest. He left me for good. He cant do this, I wont let him. I love him. But I guess love comes and goes right. I've locked myself in my cousins spear room for the past 2 days trying to get the courage to read the note.  I wanted it to say Ill be right back or something like that but not this. I left the note fall from my hand and watched it as it hit the floor. All I wanted was a normal life. Normal lifes have heartbreak right? My heart feels like its in a million pieces. I got off the bed and headed into the bathroom and got dressed. I throw away the things Andy got me. I wanted no memory of him even though he will always be with me.  "Lisy?" I stuck my head out of the bathroom door and saw Sara looking at me."Hey sweety how are you today?" she smiled coming into the room. "Im great" I smiled a feack smile hoping she would believe me but she didnt. I watched her as she grabbed the note off the floor. "No don-"I choked out. She had already read it and was looking at me. "Im sorry honey!" she said hugging me. She smelled like candy and vanilla. "I dont care..."

She looked at me "Oh yeah you do you wouldnt be stuck in this room all day" okay she had a point but still  I wanted Andy to get out of my head. I shouldnt waist tears on him anymore. I cant waist tears on him... it only shows im weak. I looked at my cousin. "I have to do something.." I said grabbing the note from her. I had to tell Andy how I felt and what he is doing is stupid. My cousin aleady knew that and drug me  out and into her car. I didnt know where he lived but I knew who would. 

"SHANE!!" I yelled up the street and the brown haired teenager. He turned to me wide eyed. "Can I help you?". I ran up to him. "I need to find Andy, Please" I said catching my breath. "Oh Andy is with Haley at the Rosetta" he smiled. "What!?"I kinda of yelled at him. He grabbed my hand cause I was losing my balance. "Yeah, she was here waiting for him and they left. Im taking over his cases today."

I turned to him. He had to know that Andy loved me. Was I the only one who knew that me and Andy were a thing. Know that I think about me and Andy had never been out of the hotel in days... "You must be good friend of Andy's" he smiled. "I was his girlfriend up untill 2 days ago..."I sobed. "Oh shit..." he breathed  He pulled me into his arms "Im sorry...." I pushed him away and looked at him more confused then I just was. "What?"

"Andy  told me about you... He loves you. Its just Haley she... well she is crazy and wont stop until she has Andy." he said looking at the floor. I finally understood. Haley wanted Andy but he didnt want her that way anymore but in order to be with me he had to keep us a secret then Haley found out and know she wants me out of the picture. I kissed Shane on the cheek and ran down the street. I pushed past people, I even knocked someone over on accident. I stoped dead when I saw Andy walking toward me. I ran up to him and smacked myself into him. He grabbed me. "Andy!" I sob looking up at him. He was smiling a big goofy smile. "Elisa?" he asked like I wasnt real. He pushed me into him again. I placed my hand on his face. God I was happy  to see him again.  Then I was suddenly pushed away from him and landed on the floor with a thud. It wasnt Andy who pushed me it was Haley. She stood there holding Andy's hand smiling. I stood up and whipped the dirt off my cloths. Andy tryed to step forward but was stoped by  Haley. "Dont Andy..."she hissed "You know what will happen." she said trailing her fingire up his face. I looked at her like she was crazy. "Um Haley I think you scaring him" I laughed loudly at her. She dropped her hand and walke over to me. I pushed past her and walked infront of Andy. I placed my hand on his face and watched it change from emotionless to loveing. I smiled at him then turned to face her. Haley's face was red. She looked like she was going to pop. She came closer to me till she was inchs away from my face. "He only used you, You were a helpless little girl with no one to love..." she whisphered in my ear. I smiled as she knew nothing about me. "Im not helpless. I never was. You have no idea how much Andy loved being with me the other night..." I laughed at her. I could feel her tense up beside me. "He only did that to make you feel less of a little helpless bitch then you really are." I laughed at her. "You know what.. Im not a bitch. You a little slut who cant stand the thought of you EX loving someone else then you!" I yelled at her. I looked and saw all the peolple looking at me and her standing her arguing with one another. My head swung to the side and I turned to look at Haley. "YOU HIT ME!!" I yelled at her. I stood up straight and balled my hand into a fist and made contact with her face. She flew back a couple inches. She looked at me in shock for a second then ran at me again. I stayed still and watched as she came closer and closer to me. Before I could even do anything Andy stepped infront of me. He grabbed Haley "Dont" was all I heard him say. She flung around in his arms. She looked to me and smiled and evil smile. I watch her closely knowing she was going to do something. She placed her lips on his and kissed him as a whole group of people surrounded them in aw.  I sunk down to the ground against the wall of the small building behind me.  People begain to move past me some even walked over me.  I stood up and started to walk over to Andy and Haley. Pushing people out of my way in hopes to get to them quicker.


Tell me what you think?

Andy's note o.o

Haleys craziness

Will Andy and Elisa ever be....





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