Chapter 11: Revision

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Section 1: Liam(6:12 A.M)
The thing that happened between me and Bri was something not so special. She had been stressed from getting out of jail because she thought she had to do everything for me.

After she got up from finishing her dinner she started to wash her dish and I told her, "You don't need to do that."

She replied, "Jail makes me used to doing this, it's fine."

I laughed and said, "Seriously Bri? Two years in there can really get to you huh?"

She replied, "Yeah, you have no idea."

We both laughed and she looked at me funny.

I asked her what was wrong and she said, "Nothing, it's just good to be back."

She smiled in a way that made me know she felt okay.

I grabbed her hand and said, "I'm here for you."

She said, "I know" and kissed me.

My stomach started to turn and I pulled back and said, "We can't do this."

She replied, "Just relax."

She kissed me again and I picked her up and plopped her onto the counter. My glasses were tangled in her hair and she laughed as she pulled my glasses off. We started kissing some more and I tore my shirt off as she smiled again.

I took her shirt off and she was in her bra when we heard a thump on the floor and Bri started yelling my name. I turned around and saw Ally staring at me. She wasn't staring at Bri, she was just glaring at me and wouldn't look away until she stomped out of the kitchen.

I put on my robe,  ran over to her and sat on my couch to explain what happened. She didn't want to listen to my side of the story so she just... left. It reminded me of the night that I had gotten chased by Jack. She left me all alone and vulnerable to whatever came my way.

I got a call about what had happened to Bri later that night and I cried for about a half an hour. I thought I finally had her back, but she was stolen from me again.

She had killed Christian I heard with a bloody baseball bat and had smashed his face in. This made everything much, much worse for me and I couldn't believe that she had done such a thing. The Bri that I knew 2 years ago wouldn't hurt a fly; but, not I think differently.

Section 2: Jack(7:45 A.M)
I saw Bri get arrested and now my brother was dead... finally. I had been waiting for that day to come for a long time. Jill and I had been wanting to take over since the day we knew about the whole letter situation. Of course I cared about my brother and all that bull but that's not what we're talking about here. I don't like things to get milky.

But, Jill and I were ready for our wedding that night; she had gotten her dress and I had gotten my tux. I looked into the mirror and saw myself not in an orange jumpsuit and I smiled my biggest smile.

I called my mother and told her that she should meet me at the dining hall at about 7:00 P.M because that was an hour early of the wedding.

I was talking to her when she started to cry and asked me, "Jack, can we do something about what happened to Christian? Half this family is falling apart and I feel like the foundation that just doesn't work and is breaking."

I could hear her voice break and then she took a deep breath and said, "Jack, you can't feel nothing honey. I love you and I know you have a heart, you just need to show it."

I knew she was right, and I had to respect my mother because she respected me after all I have done to her. She agreed with the plan that Christian and I had created which meant the world to me. She didn't call the cops or freak out, she supported me through it all.

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