Chapter 16: Eyes Closed

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Section 1: Drew(9:15 P.M)
It was dark but I could faintly see Ally charging towards me as she screamed, "Get down!"

I wasn't totally sure why she tackled me down until I heard the gun shots and Jack's voice shout, "Light em' up!"

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed as I heard him shooting blindly at us, not knowing where we were.

I grabbed Ally's hand and squeezed it until I heard the bullets stop. There was nothing but complete silence in my ears. I looked over and saw that Jack was gone, almost like he wasn't there in the first place.

I stood up and spit out all the dirt that ended up in my mouth after Ally tackled me. I looked around and saw nothing but forest. I was nervous and I forgot which direction we came from because of the fall. "Ally... what direction did we come from?" I asked.

Ally said unsurely, "That way?"

I looked over at the pathway she showed me and I followed as she lead me deeper into the forest. Luckily, after about fifteen more minutes we both saw a car's headlights and started to run.

Out of the blue, I saw Ally trip, fall and then she screamed. I looked over to see that she had fallen into a ditch. It was about 5 feet deep and there were maggots all over it.

They were crawling around and Ally was screaming, "Drew! Get me the fuck out of here!"

I replied, "I'm trying Ally! What do you want me to do?"

She shouted at me in fury, "Just grab my hand and pull me out of here! You went to prison! You were working out and getting pecks!"

I paced back and forth and prepared to get Ally. I reached out to grab her hand and squeezed it as tightly as I could. She was kicking the dirt back as she tried to climb out of the ditch and I shouted, "Push! Push!"

When she finally reached the top both of us were out of breath and sat there waiting to get back our energy.

Section 2: Liam(9:15 P.M)
"Ally?" I shouted.

I could not find her anywhere. I even went up to a guy that I saw her dancing with earlier and he said, "Oh, she went with some guy. If I were you I wouldn't wait up."

He started to laugh but I did not find any of this funny. I went around the party and had to walk through two people grinding on the dance floor which was not my proudest moment. I kept screaming, "Ally! Where the fuck are you?!"

This attracted many eyes and made some people question my sanity. I knew she had left the party and I didn't want that person to be Jack.

I ran out the front door of the maternity house, hopped into my car, and pressed on the gas. I called Ally's phone about 15 times before someone picked up. The person that picked up the phone was not Ally, it was a man. The man asked, "Who is this?"

The man sounded... off. It surely didn't sound like Jack because Jack's voice was way higher pitched. "Look... you have to listen to me." I said shaking.

"This woman may be in danger, do you know where she went? Cause you have her phone."

The man replied, "Oh, She's not in danger. She's with me, we're having a great time."

I got a little suspicious and asked, "What's your name?"

Immediately, the man hung up and I sat in my car pushing on the gas and passing the speed limit like it wasn't a problem. I came to a sudden stop when I saw a car on the side of the road that crashed into a tree. My only thought was to help the person in the car so I hopped out of mine and walked over to it.

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