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Okay, some people messaged me to introduce the character with photos of them. So I'm finna do that for ya'll. Tell me what you think of the characters.

 Tell me what you think of the characters

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This is Kiomi and she is 17 years of age. She has been a big fan of Nahmir ever since he came out with his music. She is also one of the main characters of this story. She is the type of person that speaks her mind and will always have backs for Marina.

ig: @jadaamor

This is Nahmir and he is 18 years of age

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This is Nahmir and he is 18 years of age. He is the other main character of this story and he is part of a well known rapper group called YBN. Him and Jay (who will come in the story later) are the well known ones of the group. His rapper name is YBNNahmir.

ig: @ybnnahmir

This is Marina and she is 17 years of age

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This is Marina and she is 17 years of age. She is Kiomi's best friend and also Glizzy's lil ting. She is a big fan of the YBN boys as well. She is really well known around where they live and she is always looking out for Kiomi no matter what.

ig: @blackgirlvee

This is Glizzy and he is 17 years of age

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This is Glizzy and he is 17 years of age. He also another member of YBN, but he isn't one of the big rappers of the group like the other ones. He is really chill all the time and he is also together with Marina. He is also known as YBNGlizzy.

ig: @ybnglizzy

This is Manny and he is 18 years of age

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This is Manny and he is 18 years of age. He is known to be the goofy one with the group and can get along with anyone. He is a member of YBN and he is dating Nahmir's twin sister Korah. Manny's rapper name YBNManny.

ig: @ybn_manny

This is Korah and she is 18 years of age

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This is Korah and she is 18 years of age. She is Nahmir's twin sister and also Manny's girlfriend. She is known for being as being boujie, but ratchet at the same time. She met Manny when the boys first made that group and that was 1 year and a half ago.

ig: @aphrodite_killinem

This is Jay and he is 18 years of age

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This is Jay and he is 18 years of age. He is always overseas because his girlfriend Blac Chyna be doing a lot of business things to take care of. He is also one of the most well known members of YBN as the same as Nahmir. His rapper name is YBNAlmightyJay

ig: @ybnalmightyjay

This is Hyunee (honey) and she is 27 years of age

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This is Hyunee (honey) and she is 27 years of age. She is a model that travels the world with her husband who is a photographer. She has been raising herself and also Kiomi since she was 12 because their parents walked out on both of them.

ig: @coraviee 

This is Roman and he is 29 years of age

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This is Roman and he is 29 years of age. He is a professional photographer that travels with is wife around the world for their jobs. He is also living with Kiomi and Hyunee and he is like an older brother for Kiomi.

ig: @_dariusjr


Do you guys like the characters???

I will try do the next chapter tomorrow cause I keep getting caught up in other stuff, like my anime and all lmaoooo

Stay tuned boo boos x

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