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Roman has been in a coma for 2 weeks and Hyunee has been so quiet. She doesn't eat or talk so much anymore and sometimes I can her sobbing at night. She just need her hubby back bro.
"Hey baby, how you doing" I asked as I walked into Hyunee and Roman's room.
She looked at me, smiled softly and looked back at the TV. She looked so stressed.
"I'm going to the supermarket to get us some stuff for dinner tonight, we having a girls night. You wanna join?" I said.
She shook her head, smiled and looked back at the TV.
I hate her being this quiet. I'm not used to it. She was always energetic with me and I loved that bih so much for it, she always took my mood to cloud 9 and now she is just a completely different person.
Right now I'm walking around the supermarket while on Facetime with Nahmir. He is still on tour, so he calls me every time he has time to kill.
"When are you coming back anyways" I already knew the answer to the question, it's just that ya bitch couldn't wait any longer for his fine self.
"Bro, I tell you this every time we facetime, I only have 1 more week bae" he said chuckling.
"I know I know, I just miss yo fine self" I said biting my lip and it made him smirk and lick his lips.
"Kiomi you gone have to make me fly back earlier" he said whispering into his phone.
I giggled and then this guy walked up to me.
"Hey beautiful" he said smirking.
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I scrunched up my face at him and just chuckled.
"Aye, who that nigga" Nahmir yelled, but I don't think he heard him.
"What you doing in this supermarket by yourself" he said and I muted Nahmir's voice.
I just smiled and looked down.
"Let a nigga getcho number" he said and I took Nahmir off mute and gave him the phone.
He smiled at me and was about to type and then he saw Nahmir's face which made his eyes widened.
"Why you talking to my girl nigga" Nahmir yelled.
"Ian know bro" he said giving me the phone back.
"I should really shoot his ass" Nahmir said shaking his head.
I busted out laughing and continued doing what I was doing.
"You play too much" he said laughing with me.
"What you doing later though" he asked when I made my way to the car.
"I'm having a girls night to brighten up my sister's mood" I said pouting just thinking about how my sister is handling things.
"Hope she-gco
I didn't really hear what Nahmir said because another call was coming through and it was from Marina.
"Bae, imma have to call you back, Rina calling" I said.
"Okay, I'll call yo sexy ass tonight" he said before I answered Marina's call.
"He's awake" she yelled as soon as I answered.
"I'm coming now" I said and hung up.
I ran up the stairs and busted into Hyunee's room to see her in the same position she was in when I left.
"Roman" I said cheesin.
As soon as I said that she started getting herself ready and we made our way to the hospital. Marina texted me his room number, so we walked there as soon as we arrived.
I walked in making everyone look at us with the biggest smiles.
"Hey baby" Roman said in a croaky voice to Hyunee.
"Hey" she said leaving kisses all over his face and then one last deep kiss after that.
I said hi to everyone in the room and we made all of ourselves comfortable. We also made sure to tell all the boys on tour as well that he is awake.
Hyunee and Roman were talking non stop and you would hear there little giggles and kisses. I'm glad that her mood is up again. She would never be the same if she lost him.
"When do you get out" I asked Roman.
"We can actually go now" Marina said looking at the time on her phone.
"What are we waiting for then" Hyunee said jumping up off from the hospital bed.
We all went back to the house and had dinner with all of Marina's siblings and Korah.
"What movie do ya'll wanna watch" Ruben asked as we all sat on the couch with our plates and he was looking through Netflix.
"Nio Yokio" I asked and looked at everyone for an answer.
They nodded and he put it on. We all just ate and watched the show that was on.
This moment in life I'm actually happy again. I just need my mans to come back from tour and I'm better than eva.
I haven't heard anything about my parents for a while and I'm happy about that, but I can never speak too early cause these bitches can hop outta no where.
"Thank ya'll for coming, and get home safely" I said as everyone left out.
I cleaned up everything while Hyunee helped Roman clean up and get to bed because he still needs time to heal.
I got myself ready for bed and when I was just about to fall asleep I heard a knock at the door. I really didn't want to answer it because I'm too lazy and I really don't want to get up.
I woke up the next morning and the house was silent. I made my way to Hyunee's room and poked my head in the room. They were still sound asleep. That is so cute bro.
I went back to my room to put on my robe and slides and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My breath was killin.
"I'm fucken hungry" I said to myself as I was walking down the stairs.
I went into the kitchen and fixed me some cereal. As I was walking to the living room, I saw a piece of paper on the ground by the door.
I walked back to the kitchen, put my cereal on the counter and then went to go see what this note was all about.
When I picked it up and read it, I gasped.
I said 'we gone get our favorite back'
Sorry if you thought this chapter was a bit boring, I've been busy lately.