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"What you mean, they back" I said shocked.

I didn't know my parents well, I only knew them from stories that my sister told me whenever I asked about them and them stories was never good.

"I don't know Ki"she said sighing.

"Did they shoot you" I asked on the verge of crying again.

"Y-yeah" she said looking down.

"They got Roman too" I said in a kind of sad and questionable tone.

"What, is he alright" she asked trying to get out of the bed.

I quickly sat up from my seat and helped her back on.

"Calm down, he is in surgery right now" I said sitting her down.

"What you mean he in surgery, it's my fault" she yelled.

"Hyunee, all this yelling ain't gone fix anything bro" I said trying to calm her down.

She was about to say something until we heard a knock at the door and everyone coming in one by one. Each person said their hi's and had their hugs with Hyunee.

"Roman just got out of surgery and we can all see him soon" Rakim said as everyone was settled in the room.

"How did this all happen" Marina asked as she sat in Glizzy's lap.

"My parents" I said looking at her and her eyes widened and so did her brothers.

"Why are they back" Rion said standing up.

Hyunee and I are pretty close to us. Their family basically raised us as well. We have told them about what our parents have done to us.

"Did...they shoot him" Ruben said looking down.

"I don't know, I was upstairs when they shot me and he was downstairs" Hyunee said wiping her tears under her eyes.

"Them bitches is so-gco

Somebody walked in and cleared their throat which made us all look their way.

"Roman has just finished his surgery and he has now slipped into a coma" the doctor said making Hyunee cry harder than she already was.

I looked at everyone and they were all just silent. Marina just dug her head into Glizzy's chest while he rubbed her back and I just held onto Hyunee's hand and Nahmir's.

"This is all my fault, we should've never left" Hyunee said quietly as the doctor left.

"This ain't your fault, you saved our lives from taking us away from them" I said softly.

"But I'm taking my husbands" she said looking at me.

"Hey, he isn't dead and you talking like this ain't gone make it better. Pray sis pray" I said rubbing her hand.

Soon after that we all said our goodbyes to Hyunee because we weren't allowed to stay overnight. She had to stay 2 more days from healing and more tests.

 We went to go see Roman, but none of us were allowed in the room, so everyone said their prays as we watched him sleep.

I felt so bad because my parents didn't want them. They wanted me and they got hurt because of me.

The boys postponed the tour just so they could be their for support.

"Why did your parents shoot them" Nahmir asked.

Right now we are just both lying on my bed venting with each other.

"Okay" I said letting out a big sigh and continuing.

"I never knew my parents like that, I just hear about them because the stories that my sister has told me. When I was younger my parents used to sell me and my sister to random men just to make a few bucks for themselves".

Hyunee said I was their favorite and they use to abuse her because no one wanted her. One day I tried to stick up for her and they caused both of us to get our ass whooped and because of me being younger I had the worse affect from it" I said sitting up and causing him to do also.

"My sister was 19 when we both ran away and I was nine. She had secretly been saving money for us and she bought a house in a neighborhood that Marina and her family lived in. We became close with all of them and now here we are today" I said in a shaky voice.

To this day, I never knew why Hyunee waited until she was 19 so we could leave. I mean, I would never know, I was only 9.

"It has been 8 years and they just popped out of no where" I said as Nahmir wiped the tears away that I didn't even know were falling.

"Hyunee said they came back for me" I said leaning my head into his chest.

"And they got hurt" I said now crying.

They had no right to hurt them and they just did it anyway. They could've killed the most important people in my life. The two that basically raised me.

"Kiomi" he said cupping my face so I could look at him.

"Don't be like that. I know that you have been through a lot, but you can't blame yourself for everything mama".

"Like you exactly said to Hyunee, talking like this ain't gone make the situation any better" he said before pecking my lips a few times.

And he was completely right. I can't let my parents control me if they haven't even been around for most of my life. Shit, I'm nearly 18. I'm gone be a grown ass woman.

"And what you said after that" he said smiling which made me smile as well.

"What I say" I said still smiling.

"Pray sis pray" he said playing with me face.

"And that's exactly what I'm gone do" I said kissing him and then we both laid back down.


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I hope all of ya'll is praying for Roman....

Follow me on ig: @senseinat

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