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"You have to do what I tell you to do or you're over" she said.
They took me from my hotel room and locked me in an abandon warehouse. I have been here for two days and I don't know how the fuck I'm going to leave this shit.
She slapped me so hard that my chair feel back and it made me groan. My groan echoed through the warehouse.
"You better do this do this little boy, I want my daughter back" she said pacing back and forth.
"She doesn't want any fucken thing to do with both of ya'll crazy asses" I yelled trying to avoid the pain in me landing on my hands.
"Watch yo mouth" she yelled and started pacing again.
I am really feeling Kiomi, I ain't just gone give my baby's location up like that. Who the fuck do you think I am.
"You really want me to do something to my sister" the man said chuckling.
"Touch my fucken sister and see what happens nigga" I said now heated.
"Give us the info then bitch" he said now standing in front of me on the floor.
I don't even know where they are right now. I haven't heard from her in 2 days and I haven't seen her for two weeks.
"I don't even know where he is, I've been on tour. Why the fuck you got me for nigga" I yelled.
"Get this nigga out" he said calmly to his guards.
They picked me up and dragged me into a van.
"Where the fuck are we going" I yelled.
They didn't reply to me. One of them punched me so hard I was blacked out the whole ride.
I woke up in a plane tied up to the chair. I looked around and I just saw that niggas guards chillin and eating. I'm hungry as fuck, I haven't eaten in two days and they are just eating in front of me.
"A nigga is hungry too" I mumbled which made them both turn around and throw a bag of chips at me.
"Bro, how am I supposed to eat this shit, my hands are tied" I said annoyed.
"Sorry nigga damn" one of them said and untied me.
"Why ya'll being so nice now" I asked while eating my chips and also kind of confused.
"We just had to do our job" the other guy said shrugging his shoulders.
"Ya'll don't like it" I asked.
"Hell now, if we leave he will shoot a nigga" he said chuckling and then the other one joined.
"What does this nigga want anyways" I scoffed.
"He is one of the biggest pimps in Cali and he just wants his daughter back because she is the one that makes the most money for him and his wife. He also wants to get rid of the oldest because she was the one that caused all of this mess" he said shaking his head.
"Who are they" I asked.
"They are Mr and Mrs Lanez" he said dragging their last name.
"And who are yous" I said laughing.
"I'm Rico and this Maurice" he said.
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"How long have you been working for and how long have they been trying to find Hyunee and Kiomi" I said licking the crumbs off my fingers.
"We started working for them about 5 years ago and been trying to get out for 2 years" Maurice said.
I nodded and they both continued.
"And they have been trying to find them ever since they left and that would be 10 years" Rico said.
"Why do ya'l want to leave so bad" I asked.
"This nigga is useless. He don't pay us our right money, he treat us like we are fucken dumb as a bitch" Rico said before he got cut off by Maurice.
"And he only use us because he a pussy and he can't fucken fight for his fucken self" Maurice said shaking his head.
When they was saying this shit, why didn't they just get this nigga handled. I mean look at them. They are built like brick walls and shit.
"Why don't ya'll just beat this niggas ass" I said chuckling and making them do it also.
"Cause nigga, his wife is fucken crazy" Maurice said.
"She will kill anyone and won't hesitate" he continued.
Their parents are crazy bro. I'm so mad about what those two had to through. It is just getting me heated thinking about what my baby had to do for her parents, just to make a couple bucks. Fuck them bro.
"Do ya'll want revenge on them" I asked them sitting up.
"Whatchu mean" Rico asked.
"I mean like get them back" I said smiling.
"What you got in mind" he asked raising his eyebrows.
Oh I know what I got n mind and these niggas will never know they I got their people involved....