Chapter Twenty- One

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I chugged down the whole bottle of whatever this was called. I whipped my lips with the back of my hand as I inhaled loudly. Taehyung and Jungkook who were still sober stood behind me, their hands in the air behind my back just in case I stumbled back.

I held the empty bottle up with a drunk smile of accomplishment. They all screamed and yelled, Yoongi high fiving me as he took a gulp of his own drink. Jin was knocked out on one of the couches in the back of the club, surrounded by other sleeping bodies. Around me I could see Dean, Zico, Keith Ape, and CL. Many famous idols all in one club sharing and laughing together, close by I could see Jay Park. THE Jay Park

I screeched as I pointed over at his figure dancing in the crowd to his own song, All I Wanna Do. 

((Honestly my fav song))

I ran over to him and greeted him. 

"I'm fan ya one number," One of the most obvious things I do when I'm drunk is trip over my words. I do it on a daily basses but when I'm drunk I mess up the whole sentence. I sighed, noticing my error but not attempting to fix it.

He laughed, he too seemed to be drunk. 

"Aw, I've heard so much about you," He replied swiftly, I'm surprised he didn't take his time to try and figure out what I said. "You're so beautiful"

I smiled. "I know"

He laughed before excusing himself, leaving me alone. I didn't mind it and continued dancing. 

A strong hand held my arm back before I could enter the maze of dancing idols. I turned around to see Bam.

"Bam?" I tilted my head.

His eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not Bam you idiot," It was Jimins voice.

"HUUHHH?" I asked as I stared at him, poking his cheek. "Kinda you Bam look like"

He rolled his eyes. "It's Jimin you bobble head"

I squinted my eyes and looked at him again, it was Jimin. I must be hallucinating.

"You must be hallucinating," He said, pulling me towards Jungkook and Taehyung. Jungkook held Jin as he struggled to stand with eyes closed. Taehyung had Yoongi and Namjoon held by the collar as they both acted like children.  Hoseok held a really pretty dark skinned girl by the waist as he smiled down at her as they talked to each other

"Who that," I pointed at the pretty girl who stared at my finger.

"Tinashe," She smiled. "I'm American"

"OHH," I laughed. "Cute"


I woke up with a huge head ache, I sat up from my bed holding my head as if it were to break. I looked over at a shirtless Jimin. I didn't yell or scream possibly because of my huge headache, I looked down at my body. I was only wearing a T-Shirt that wasn't even mine. Did Jimin and I?

No, we would never. Plus, he was sober, he wouldn't have done anything. Jimin opened his eyes and looked up at my confused state.

"I changed you into my T-Shirt so you could sleep comfortable," He explained. "Don't get the wrong idea"

He sat up and rubbed his head as he yawned.

He changed me?! HE SAW ME?! My whole body heated up as I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. It was locked so I quickly knocked on the door. 

"I'm taking a shit," Taehyungs voice echoed from the bathroom. I sighed as I walked pass Hoseoks room where he lay next to that Tinashe girl. I walked pass Namjoons room, I peeked in since the door was wide open. He was sitting down on the bed, phone in hand as he looked clearly stressed.

"Not only is the news about Hoseok and Tinashe spreading like wild fire, turns out your boyfriend is out going on dates with some girl and you end up on the internet waking up next to a shirtless Jimin," Namjoon said as he saw me near the door

That was legit not even 5 minutes ago, who the hell keeps on peeping into our windows damn.

"You should really get this place secured," Jin muttered as he walked by. "Everyone's up our business now"

"And what's that about my boyfriend?" I asked, tilting my head sarcastically.

"He's out with a so called 'friend' but they look so happy together" He said.

"But Bam's on tour," I replied. "Why would he be with a friend?"

Namjoon shrugged as he showed me a few pictures, I didn't feel as jealous as I would be normally. If he says its a friend, I trust him enough to believe him. 

I shook it off and walked out of his room and into the other bathroom near the kitchen. 

I sat down on the toilet and sat the for a while, staring at no where. What a shitty day yesterday.

That's when it hit me, little bits of memories from last night. 


Jimin gripped my hair tightly as he pushed my face closer to his as his plump lips squeezed mine. I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought it up under his shirt, my hands running down his muscles. They flexed as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist as we moved in circles to my room. Jimin hit one of the tables that held up a few pictures in matching frames. I brought one of my arms over his shoulder and pulled his hair. It seemed to be all so fast, we ended up sleeping next to each other and not doing anything. Jimin, he probably knew if we would've done something that night I would've let him because I was drunk. 

/End of Flashback/

I frowned as I looked down at the floor, Jimin. He's so pure, but in that memory he seemed so needy. Does he truly like me? I feel like whatever I do, I'll upset him. If I'm with Bam, he'll be upset; if I get closer to one of the members, he'll be upset.  I sighed at how upset he looked this morning, was he upset because he knew I was just drunk? Was he upset because he knew that make out session was just something I enjoyed because I was drunk?

I shook it off and opened the door, I'm such a good child. Why would I ever make out with Jimin? That was probably a dream of some kind of thought that randomly came up.
Plus, Jimin is such a innocent guy. He wouldn't possibly do that, maybe I just imagined the whole thing.

"You didn't," Jimin muttered as he leaned on the door way, his arms crossed over his chest. Was I talking out loud again? Omfg, I swear. "You didn't imagine it"

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