Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:


I laid there on my bed staring straight at Harry.  The words replaying over and over in my head 'I love you Rachel'.  He looked at me worriedly before he let my hand drop from his face, the tears in his eyes starting to spill out.

                "I'm so sorry.  I shouldn’t have said anything."  He stammered out.

                I quickly sat up and reached over pulling him into a big hug.  He buried his head into my shoulder, while I rubbed his back soothingly to try and calm him down.  Once he pulled away, he wiped his eyes, and looked at my both questioningly and expectantly.

                "Haz, I love you.  Just not the way you want me to.  You have always been there for me whenever anything went wrong, but to me you are the brother I never had.  I’m sorry if this hurts you, but I can’t change the way I feel."  I said while looking straight into his bright green eyes.


                "I-I-I I love you Rachel" I said, looking into her amazing ocean blue eyes; I knew I shouldn't have said anything but I just couldn’t help myself; looking at her made me want to spill my entire heart out.

                She sat there staring at me surprised at my words and to fill the awkward silence I quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry.  I shouldn’t have said anything."  I barely managed to get the words out above a whisper.

                All of the sudden Rachel reached over a pulled me into a big hug.  I buried my head into her shoulder not 100 percent sure what her hug meant, while she rubbed my back to try to sooth me.  Soon enough I pulled away from her, wiping my tears off my face.  I can’t believe I cried after I confessed that I loved her.  I then looked back into her eyes waiting for a response.

                "Haz, I love you." she began, causing my heart to almost jump out of my chest, "Just not the way you want me to." I could’ve died right there after hearing that but still said nothing.  "You have always been there for me whenever anything went wrong, but to me you are the brother I never had, I’m so sorry if this hurts you, but I can’t change the way I feel."

                I sat there staring into her eyes, my heart breaking with every second passing.   How could I be so stupid as to think she would love someone like me; to her I was just a stupid brother and nothing more, I should’ve known she wouldn’t return the feelings I had for her.  Trying to hold back more tears I quickly got up and walked to the door, while running my hands through the curly mess on top of my head.  I was going home to think about everything and to get some sleep; I’ll just send Lou up here to look after Rachel.


                After I told Haz how I felt, he sat there for a little while looking absolutely crushed, his eyes watering, before he stood up quickly and started making his way out of the room while running his hand though his brown curls.  It hurt to see one of my best friends so upset.  I wanted to just get up and run over and pull him into a hug saying everything would be alright, but I couldn’t, I was the one who had hurt him.

                Quickly i grabbed my phone and typed a quick text to Lou.

TO: The Swag Masta from Doncasta

I need you to come to the hospital and be with me, something happened between Hazza and me.  Hurry over!  I NEED TO TELL YOU!


                After a while I got a message back.

From: The Swag Masta from Doncasta

Alright I’m on my way.  I’m also bringing Nialler.  Harry just burst through the doors his eyes were red and puffy, and he wouldn’t talk to anyone and went straight to his room.  I want an explanation as soon as I get there!


                Great it was bad enough I was going to tell Lou what had just happened, but now I would have to explain to Niall too.  Could my life get any worse?  I didn’t get the part in the movie, I'm lying in a hospital bed because I got hurt, one of my best friends just said he loves me and I had to break his heart, and now I had to explain what happened to the guy I liked and the guy I have known forever what exactly just happened between Harry and I.

                After about twenty minutes Lou burst through my door, and quickly gathered me into a hug.

                "I missed you so much!"  He ‘fake’ cried into my shoulder causing me to laugh and gently pat his back before thumping him on the back of his head.

                "OW!  What was that for you meanie?"  He said acting like it actually hurt, while he felt the back of his head where I thumped him.

                "That’s for you being a dork."  I replied grinning, I loved how Lou could make me forget any problems I was having within a few moments.

                "Hey babe, your foot feelin’ any better?"  Niall questioned with his amazing accent flooding my ears, while I forced myself to remain calm.

                "Yea, it actually doesn’t hurt that bad anymore."  I said simply.

                "I feel awful for throwing you into the water, Haz said it was all my fault, and I actually agree with him."

                "Niall don’t you dare, you didn’t know the jellyfish would be over there, you were just having fun.  It is not your fault unless you meant for me to get hurt." I said as a small smile started to emerge.  I was trying not to let on too quickly how I felt about him and scare him away.

                He smiled at me and came and gave me a famous Horan Hug, which I loved.

                "Alright, I waited long enough; tell me what happened between Harry and you right now young lady!'  An impatient Louis demanded.

                I quickly explained what happened while the lads listened closely.  After I finished I watched their faces for their reaction.  Louis looked extremely puzzled, and kind of upset, while Niall looked slightly upset but mostly he looked relieved.

                "Well, I really need to have a talk with Harry when we get home.  No one is allowed to be in love with my best friend without my blessing."  Louis joked to lighten the mood slightly, although out of the corner of my eye I saw Niall stare worriedly at Louis for a brief second.

                "Hey Lou, could I talk to you, in private for a moment?"  I questioned looking at Niall who seemed to get the point.

                "I'll be right outside if anyone needs me."  Niall said as he walked out of the room.

                "Alright love, what’s up?"  Louis looked at me, searching my eyes for some sort of give away.

                "Lou, the reason I don’t like Harry that way is because, I like someone else."

                "You don’t have to tell me, Hun it’s really not hard to tell you like that food loving maniac out there, the way you look at him gives it all away."  Lou stated plainly causing my cheeks to redden.

                "You can’t tell him Lou; promise you won’t say anything please?"  I begged.

                "I promise, but if you’re interested to know, I’m almost positive he likes you too."


 Hope you enjoyed! Dont forget to Comment/Vote!

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