Chapter 10

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We had just gotten back from six flags.  I for one was actually quite knackered, but I wasn’t going to sleep because I was going to spend as much time with Perrie as I could.  No one knows, but Perrie is going to be leaving in a few days to get back with her band so they can work on recording more. Sometimes it was hard having a long distance relationship, but it was so worth it.  Perrie was absolutely incredible; she was kind to almost everyone.  She never lost her cool with hate.  It was like she was born to be famous.

"Hey babe. You alright?"  Perrie asked as she came into the living room and sat next to me.  She leaned her back against the arm of the couch and draped her feet over my lap.

"Yea, I’m just thinking about how you have to leave in a few days.  I really hate when I can’t see you all the time love."  I replied glumly as I looked at her feet.

Perrie grabbed my chin gently and made me look at her, "We are gonna make this work, you can call me anytime you want.  You know that.  Now don’t be all sad, I still have about three days left and I want to spend the whole time with you."  She leaned in and pecked me on the lips, but me being me, I slid my arm around her waist and pulled her closer instantly deepening the kiss.

Someone coughed from behind us causing us to pull away from each other.  I turned and saw Danielle with a satisfied grin on her face.

"Well, I didn’t mean to interrupt; I was just going to ask if anyone knew where Liam might have gone."


"Do you think I should do it lads?"  I nervously asked Louis, Harry, and Niall.

"Mate if you don’t, then I’m going to do it for you."  Louis interjected receiving a dirty look from me.

"Go for it, she's going to love it!" Niall said encouragingly.

I turned to Harry who seemed really unfocused, "What do you think Harry?"

"Yea, it'll be grand." He replied rather disengagted from the conversation.  He probably had no clue what was going on right now.

Alright so basically I have finally come up with the great idea of proposing to Danielle tonight because it was our anniversary, I have it all planned out and everything.  I was going to take her to a fancy restaurant, and then on a walk through a park.  There was this fountain in the middle of the park and I was going to have her sit on the edge of the fountain, I would get down on one knee and ask her after she turned around.  I know it was a bit cheesy like in romance films, but that’s the kind of guy I was.  I was a diehard romantic and I was hopelessly in love with Danielle Peazer.

"Hey mate don’t we have an interview tomorrow?"  Louis asked breaking the silence in the room.

"Um yea, we got to be at the studio around10:30 in the morning."  I said after checking my calendar on my phone.

"I'm going to my room, I’ll see you later."  Harry said.   Something had gotten into that boy and I needed to find out what.


I was so sick of everyone talking about how much they loved their girlfriends, or anything to do with girlfriends.  I got rejected a few days ago and no one even knows about it, although I’m sure Rachel told Lou.  THAT’S IT! I need to talk to Louis.  He can make everything all better.  Maybe Eleanor can hook me up with one of her model friends too.  I ran out of my room and straight into Liam's strong chest.

"Hey Harry, we need to talk."  He said as he almost dragged me back into my room.  Aw crap, he's gonna want to know what happened and why I’m all depressed.

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