Chapter 18

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                Once Niall told us he couldn’t find Rachel, I was out of the van racing after him towards the mall to find her.  I swear I haven’t ever run this fast in my life except when I first met her.  I was only running because I had been out later than I should have been and my mum was ticked.  I lost Niall once we got into the mall and sighed heavily.  I eventually found the food court where there was a giant crowd that seemed to be circling around something.  I instantly knew it was Rachel, I could even hear Zayn in there trying to get out.  I fished my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Paul.


                "Paul get to the mall now!  The paps found us and they are surrounding Rachel and Zayn.  Niall! Niall just threw himself into the crowd!  Paul we need help!  Food court!  Mall!  Hurry!"  The words all came out in a rush.

                I couldn’t think straight.  If anything happened to my best friend it would be my fault, no one was there to protect her from the paps.  I know Rachel can take care of herself but even for her this is way too overwhelming.  If only I hadn’t become famous then none of this would've happened!

                Eleanor came running into the mall skidding to a stop beside me.  I didn’t move, I was too busy staring at the crowd and hoping Paul would get here soon.  I felt Eleanor wrap her thin arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.  I wrapped my arms around her as well, pulling her closer before placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.  Soon enough, she had started softly crying into my shirt.  I knew her and Rachel had gotten close over the past few days; Rachel had even told her something before I knew, which was a big deal with Rachel, honestly.  In all the years I had known Rachel, she had told me first about everything, no matter how embarrassing.  She told me when she got her first kiss, first boyfriend, her 'monthly visitor' just for warnings about her mood, no matter how awkward something was she could and would always tell me.  Finally tearing my gaze from the swarm of people I saw the rest of the group was standing with us, Harry had put his hand onto Madison’s shoulder trying to calm her down; she was practically hyperventilating at this point.  Liam was comforting Danielle, her arms around his neck while his were around her waist.

                "Maddi is afraid of tight spaces; she freaks out and can’t breathe right."  El whispered when she saw me look over worriedly.

                Soon enough Paul and the security came running to the rescue.  They ran over to us practically throwing people out of their way, Paul ordered two of the security guards to take us back to the van while they went to get to Rachel, Niall, and Zayn.

                "Bu-" I started to protest but was cut off when Paul gave me a certain look.  I didn’t argue any further and went with the guards.  As they led us outside again I glanced back and saw Paul fighting his way through the crowd to get to them.

                Once we got to the van and had all pilled inside, I sat there, jaw clenched.  Eleanor was sitting on my left, Harry on my right.  El had one of her hands intertwined with mine, and the other wrapped around my arm.  Harry was just sitting there with his face in his hands, Madison next to him, her knees pulled up to her chest.  Across from me Liam had his arm wrapped around Dani and she had her face buried into his chest.  I couldn’t believe my best friend had just gotten attacked my paps.  I couldn’t even do anything about it.  I was just staring and hoping the lads or Rachel wouldn’t get hurt.  The paps will do almost anything to get what they want and it’s starting to get extremely annoying, but I still put on a smile and wave for the camera.  I love my job and everything about it, the fans most of all, but the one thing that I can’t stand is the paps always turning something innocent into something made up and hurtful.  It felt like we sat there waiting in the van for about 20-25 minutes until the door opened.  On the other side was a rather frustrated Zayn.  I practically jumped out of the car, followed by everyone else.  We all, aside from Madison, embraced Zayn quickly and Niall as well.  I then snapped my head up to see my best friend.  Her face was flushed and she still seemed slightly shocked.  She didn’t have to say anything, I held out my arms which she gladly ran into, hugging me, while dropping all of her bags onto the ground.

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