Chapter 13

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                I couldn’t believe it.  Niall loved me... Niall loved me!  NIALL LOVED ME!  The tears were streaming down my face, which was in the crook of Niall's neck.  He had his strong arms wrapped tightly around me and he kept kissing the top of my head gently just to reassure me it wasn’t a dream and to let me know that everything was alright because he had me safely in his arms.

                "Rachel, why are you crying love?  He asked with great concern lacing his voice.

                "I'm just so happy!  I was going to tell you before the interview that I loved you but I didn’t get the chance.  I just can’t believe this is actually happening to me.  I feel like I’m in a dream."

                "Will it seem more real if I take you on an actual date tonight, just the two of us?"

                "This is always going to feel like a dream to me, but yes I would love to go on a date with you tonight."

                "Good, I wasn’t going to let you say no because I’ve already made the reservations at Nandos." He chuckled.

                I looked into his crystal clear blue eyes, they shined like stars, "I love you Niall."  I whispered.

                "I love you Rachel."  Niall whispered back before pulling me in for a soothing kiss.  This kiss wasn’t at all like our others; this kiss was gently yet passionate. It was if he was trying to tell me how he felt through the kiss and to reassure me that everything he was saying and doing was true.  I can only say one thing about this kiss, it was the best kiss I’d ever had in my life.

                Two hours later, I was lying down on the couch watching Blades of Glory, this was a favourite movie of all time; it was hilarious.  Niall came downstairs; I guess he was done talking to his family on the phone.  I sat up and looked over at him.  His hair was messy because he had been running his hand through it, and he looked frustrated.

                "What’s wrong babe?"  I asked concerned about what could have him so worked up.

                "I'm fine, just got off the phone with Management; they called me after I hung up with my family.  They are mad that I didn’t tell them about you before I announced us publically, they were going to have me fake date Demi Lavato because of all the Nemi nonsense on twitter."  He ran his hand through his hair again before coming over to sit next to me.

                "Do you need a hug?"  I asked, I wanted to hug him so bad, maybe I could take away some of the stress and reassure him for a change; even famous people need hugs of reassurance.  He nodded and held his arms out for me; I stood up and sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.  He pulled me close, his head resting in the crook of my neck.

                "Everything is gonna be alright Niall, don’t worry." I said softly and repeatedly.  I tried to sooth him, "Did they say why they had a problem with us?"

                Niall pulled away and nodded, "They told me it was because you weren’t ‘famous’; they think if I had dated Demi it would have gotten our popularity higher by reaching a different crowd of people."  You could hear the frustration and disgust in his voice.  “I like Demi as a friend and all, but YOU are who I want to be with.”

                I was shocked, what if I just ruined his career.  It would be my entire fault.  I felt the tears starting to form in my eyes but i fought them back, I couldn’t cry about what Niall had just said right in front of him.  I was a strong person, I was normally just like 'Who gives a shit' and I was extremely care free, but lately I had become a little more emotional.  I know it’s not a bad thing it’s just something I’m not quite used to.  I used to never cry in front of anyone, Louis had only seen me cry a total of four times during our entire friendship.  But now it felt like I was crying over practically everything.

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