Random Thoughts Compilation

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"I'm addicted to soda." Me when I realize (at Chili's) I drank 4 sodas 

"When is Season 3 coming out?" After I realized I have re watched so much of Season 1 and 2 of Stranger Things

"Why is a urinal called a urinal? Why not a Pee Machine, Liver Waste Lover, or Thing the Thing Sends Liquid Into Machine?" One of my many random urinal thoughts

"What the heck is a computer? You are a freaking dipstick." My anger after watching the iPad commercial where the girl asks what's a computer

"What should I do next? Shampoo or get out?" Always that question in the shower, always happening after the first shampoo run through

"Is some grass yellow cause some ancestor of ours took a pee?" Random thought when all the snow melts

"Is you good bruh?" when that friends makes a stupid joke

"Got to go give the navy some more things to cross" when I go pee, and try to make a funny joke to my family

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