Chapter 5: A Weekend Adventure? Another School Awaits!

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Chapter 5: A Weekend Adventure? Another School Awaits!

You're confined, but not in the way everyone else is. It's more of a mental cage for you. The bars surrounding you mean nothing. You could break it like bamboo and walk through the guards with no problems. But there's no point. You and Blake have pleaded that you're students of Beacon, and, to your surprise, even Adam said you weren't part of his organization. Of course, they would never believe you despite the fact you saved Vale from exploding. That little point is being looked into, however, since there were witnesses who saw the entire fight.

Either way, you're patiently waiting in a cell with other White Fang. They would try to attack you for jailing them, but after your display with their leader, it's clear you'd demolish all of them. Blake, unfortunately, is in another cell so you can't even check on her. It's not like they're giving you any special treatment, either. The cell is cold and damp, tight and cramped. It's not the way you planned to spend your night.

"Save the town and get jailed. Is this what it's like to be a-" A sharp feeling spears through your mind. For a moment, you sensed something unimaginable but not foreign. It reminds you of the presence you felt some time ago on the beach. "What is that feeling? It's a person, but..." You look around the area, at least where you can see.

Your hands start shaking under the pressure of this new presence... and then it's gone. Your body relaxes but your mind is still on fire.

"What was that?" You look to your still hand. "That power... that intensity..." You look to the others in your cell, oblivious to what just happened. "Am I the only one that felt it? It's definitely someone's Ki, then. Heh, what else could it be," you cross your arms. "I can't sense Aura. I wonder if you could use Aura like Ki? Nah, I doubt it."

Your small rambling distracts your mind long enough for a policeman to approach the cell.

"(Y/N)? Yeah, definitely you," he looks at you. "You have that... hair," he meekly expresses. "Come on," he walks over to the door and unlocks it. "You're coming with me."

You walk past some of the White Fang and leave the confinement area. The officer puts you in cuffs immediately before escorting you out of the stone room. Once out the door, you're greeted with what you'd imagine a police station would be. The walls, at least these ones, are a cream colour with heaters fitted along the bottom of the walls. There are other rooms, likely holding other captives, but you're unsure thanks to the sturdy doors with no windows.

What does catch your attention is Professor Ozpin and Blake standing at the end of the hallway, just before a set of double doors. The officer stops you before undoing your cuffs.

"Sorry, kid, it was just for show," he says as they unlock. "You're free to go... thank you for saving our chief and our city."

"Oh... hehe, well thanks! Keep doing your thing, officer!" You happily respond.

You quickly jog down the hall to reconvene with your Headmaster and fellow student.

"Ah, Mr. (Y/N). It seems trouble is attracted to you. Or perhaps you simply take the initiative to find it?" Ozpin greets.

"Ah, yeah. I guess so," you cross your arms and smile. "But better me than someone else.

Ozpin's smile becomes more prominent as he bows his head. "You did this city a great service. Not only have you stopped the White Fang but you saved a captured figure. The Vale police department apologizes for your incarceration and thanks you for what you've done for the city. Both of you," he looks to Blake. "I realize you had to confront your past, Ms. Belladonna, but I believe you will grow stronger from this event."

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