Lets start at the beginning

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"Star!" my Mam called from the kitchen, "the phone isn't charging!"

I sighed as I pulled my self out of bed, and traipsed downstairs where Mam was sat with her phone and the charger plugged into the wall. I shook my head.

"It actually helps Mam if the switch is flicked at the wall." I sighed as I reached down and flicked the charger.

"It was. I flicked the switch. Honest Star! I did."

I rolled my eyes, as much as I adored my parents when it comes down to technology they're pants. I can't wait until Kyle my older boffin of a brother comes back from university~ studying some computer course, then he can be in charge of sorting out the technology when it goes "wrong". He's 18, only 2 years older than moi, and is the biggest swot that ever swotted. Seriously.

"Do you want a cuppa Star darling?" Mam asked as she walked over to the kettle to begin filling it up. I nodded, daydreaming out the window looking at the world go by, like I do every morning. Mam says I'm a people watcher, like Dad. Dad apparently always used to look out the window at watch the world go by, I don't think I've seen him do that since I was 10 and I'm 16 now. But that was when Dad didn't have a job, when we were living in a pokey London flat. But I liked it there. It was in the middle of everything. Then Dad got some big fancy office job in Wetherfield, Manchester. At first every Monday morning Dad would get the train from London to Wetherfield stay there the week and come back Friday. Then Dad got us this house that we're living in and dragged us away from all our friends and family relatives. I mean we've made new friends but that's not the point. I was happy where we were.

But lately everyone's been acting weird. But only at the times that I'm stood at the window watching the world go by, when I'm not by the window watching everything seems to be as normal as they can be. Well I think.

"Here you go love." Mam said, snapping me out of my daydream, as she hands me a steaming mug of tea, milk no sugar.

"Now I'm going to go jump in the shower, or do you want to go in first?" Mam asks as she turns towards the door.

"No, no you go Mam it's fine." I said as I sipped my tea, turning away from the window. I leave the kitchen and go into the lounge, collapsing on the sofa, my tea still in my hands.

"Now then Star, the technician man will be here in a hour to fix the telly. Make sure you're ready and the kitchen is cleared before he gets her. And NO parties of any sort."

"Mam, you'll only be gone for a few hours, I'll be fine. No one other than telly guy will enter this household. I promise. Okay?" I reassured her as I kissed her on the cheek. She sighed and turned round to go to her coffee meeting thingy where they discussed things that the people of my generation wouldn't understand. I don't even think the male species~ aka Dad don't even understand what they disscuss. I made my way to the kitchen and began on last nights dishes. Clearing the kitchen was probably my least favourite job in the whole entire world. Like EVER. That's probably why Kyle left to go to uni, as his job used to be to clear the kitchen if we had visitors or if it needed doing. I wouldn't have minded clearin the kichen in our pokey old London flat, because that could be done in 15 minutes top. But this kitchen takes nearly one hour.

Just as I finished the kitchen and I callapsed on the sofa the doorbell rang. I sighed and got off my backside to go and answer the door.  I guessed it would the telly guy. I opened the door to a man dressed in a brown jacket, smart hoes and trousers and a ridiculous old fashioned bow tie.

"Hello." the man said.


"Can I come in?"

"It depends, are you the telly guy?" the man pulled a puzzled face. "The guy here to fix the telly. It's bust." The man nodded and laughed.

"I'm the telly guy!"




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