The Big Five

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Bright, creative, and nice to pretty much everyone! Fifteen years old, Freshman. Her mum owns SunStyles, an extremely successful clothes business. Although she can be a bit naïve, she's still an awesome friend. She's extremely pretty (her hair's down to her thighs). Loves art, her cousins, her best friends, colours, and has a crush on Flynn Rider (only a little one- at the moment! Hehehe...).


Fifteen years old. Orphan (parents killed in car accident), but she's pretty much gotten over it- it has been a year now. Intelligent, kinda shy in new places, but still very kind. Confident around friends, and great company once you get to know her. Beautiful inside out- several boys had crushes on her at her last school. Has a huge secret: she has ice powers! She can control them, easily, but if things get out of control expect the room temperature to drop, maybe there'll be a snowflake here or there. Loves her family, music, and the snow (she hasn't met Jack yet!).


Fifteen, and a definite tomboy! Is the awesomest freshman at Grotto High. Her mum is the headmistress. She's quite pretty, but doesn't care about looks. She's athletic, confident, funny and clever. Loves her family (even though they can be a pain), archery, her best friends and has a soft spot for Hiccup.


Fifteen, kinda awkward and extremely brainy. Sometimes called a nerd, but doesn't really care (This is 2010 Hiccup, not 2014 Hiccup). His dad used to be the best American football player in New York- he retired, so he could look after Hiccup (besides, he made lots of money from football playing!). Hiccup's never met his mum. Loves dragons, his friends, books, and has a tiny crush on Merida.


Fifteen, clever, charming and confident. Girls have crushes on him but he doesn't like the attention. He can control the ice and snow too! Loves winter, his sister and mum (his dad left when he found out Jack was being born), and his best friends (there will be Jelsa I promise!).

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