That Evening

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I slouched onto the couch next to my new best friend. His name is Kristoff, he started today too. An infamous bully at Grotto Mid had thrown my bag into a dumpster, and Kristoff helped me find it, narrowly missing being picked up by a garbage truck. I decided I owed him and invited him around for dinner. I just hope Elsa and Punzie don't tease me! He's not a boyfriend, and even though he might be the one, I don't want a boyfriend until I'm at least a teenager (Though I may occasionally think otherwise!) so a relationship would have to wait a little bit.

"Popcorn?" I offered him the bowl.

"Thanks!" he grinned, tucking in. "So... What's your favourite video game?" he asked, munching.

"Minecraft!" I replied without hesitation.

"Mine too! We must play Minecraft NOW!" Kristoff declared.

I guess it's kinda obvious that we played Minecraft for the next hour, but I'm going to say it anyway: we played Minecraft for the next hour! Kristoff is great at navigating through mountains and caves, and I know how to defend yourself from monsters and where to find rare materials, so we made an awesome team!


"LOOK OUT, A ZOMBIE!" Kristoff yelled.

"DIE!!!! TASTE MY DIAMOND SWORD!!!!!" That zombie never knew what hit him mwahahhaa! (I go kinda crazy when I play Minecraft... But so does Kristoff so it's okay!)

"If you two are done making enough noise to wake the dead, dinner's ready," Elsa smirked, her head peering round the living room door.

"Fine," Kristoff and I groaned simultaneously. I switched off the TV and we headed to the kitchen.

Punzie was already sitting at the table, her legs swinging back and forth with boredom. When she saw Kristoff however, her face lit up and she gave Elsa a look, her eyes sparkling. What?? I sat down next to her and Kristoff sat across from me. She nudged me, so I nudged her back, and we had a whole Elbow War before dinner was on the table.

"So, Kristoff," Elsa sat down in the spare seat next to him. "How long have you been at Grotto Mid?"

"I joined today, like Anna," Kristoff mumbled shyly. "My foster family- well, they've adopted me now- just moved here,"

"So we're newbies together!" I cheered, glaring at Elsa and Punzie. If they were going to embarass me then they are in BIG trouble!

"Hey Anna," Punzie started, smiling mischeviously. "Remember when you used to obsess over boys with blond hair and brown eyes?"

"I never did that!" I protested, bluffing.

"You used to read that book called 'The Mountaineer' and the main character had blond hair and brown eyes. Since then you've always said you wanted to marry someone with blon-" Elsa continued.

"I'm not hungry anymore!" I blurted out to cut her off. Quickly I ran out of the kitchen, and slumped onto the steps. How could they be so mean? I sighed, frustrated, and put my head in my hands.

"Hi." I looked up and Kristoff was standing over me, smiling.

"I'm so sorry about them," I apologized, standing up so I was at the same height as him (but that's only because I'm a stair or two up). "Okay, so maybe I did really like the book 'The Mountaineer' but I never said anything about marrying someone who looked like the protagonist, and if I did then I must have been really young and I totally don't still read the book every night-"

"Hey, it's okay!" Kristoff interrupted, grinning. "I think it's kinda cute that you have a favourite book."

"Really?" I asked, feeling a mix of suspicion and happiness.

"Yeah," Kristoff confirmed. "Don't worry, I have five older siblings, and four younger ones! I know how annoying they can be."

"Well... Great!" I celebrated. "I lied. I'm still hungry. Shall we go back?"

"Okay," Kristoff agreed.

We completed dinner ignoring Punzie and Elsa, and giving secret smiles at each other.

"I have an awesome new best friend" I thought, ectastic.

When Kristoff's parents picked him up, I waved frantically through the door glass until his car was out of sight. Then I confronted Punzie and Elsa.

"Why were you guys so mean?!" I pouted, folding my arms.

"We were simply following standard protocol," Elsa chuckled, mimicking my folded arms.

"When a relative of the same generation brings home a potential partner-" Punzie began.

"I'm twelve! He's a friend!" I argued. Why are they so annoying.

"He still counts," Punzie returned. "Anyway, protocol states that we must embarrass you, and if the visitor isn't put off, then they stay,"

"Plus," Elsa added. "Since he wasn't put off, we just made him develop extra interest in you, as you have a secret that only he knows other than us! And now that we have embarrassed you, you have the right to embarrass us if we are ina similar situation."

I paused, stunned.

"... I'm not sure whether that's genius, or just plain gambling, but who wants to watch a movie?"

"Me!" Elsa and Punzie chorused happily.

I have a weird family...


Minutes later, Elsa, Punzie and I were sprawled across several beanbags and I was munching my second bowl of popcorn of the night. We'd decided on The Lion King, because let's face it, who doesn't love Disney?!

My favourite bit of Lion King is when Simba and Nala are reunited, especially the song "Can You Feel The Love Tonight"; it's so cheesy, but I find it so adorable at the same time! Elsa loves all of the songs- to be honest she loves basically all music, and she is great at writing and performing it. It's like she goes into another world when music is playing...

Punzie was sobbing when Mufasa died, and Elsa was too. Not me. Okay maybe I was, and maybe more than both of them combined but let's not go into details shall we?

When the film finished I was prancing around singing "Hakuna Matata". Why you may ask? Well, why not?? Eventually Punzie and Elsa calmed me down and I skipped up to bed, humming "The Circle of Life" repeatedly. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all, despite the bullying and embarrassment, because after both events, things just seemed to get better!

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