Extra Work

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I decided I was going to walk to school today. I needed some fresh air, the school wasn't too far from Punzie's house, and it was snowing again, just to make walking even more preferable.

I was the only one who had decided to walk today. Apparantly, not just in the household, but in the state; the whole town seemed near deserted as I had to leave early so I could walk. Plus I wanted to get to school early anyway, so I set off at seven when school started at eight thirty. I wanted to use the music block. Punzie already has a music studio at her house, with a piano, guitars and drums.

However, Punzie doesn't have my music project.

I've never been the girl who does extra work, but new school, new start, right? Besides, I need to make a good first impression in music if I want a career in it someday.

Padding along the streets, I had my earbuds firmly plugged in, repeating Ariana Grande's debut album- "Yours Truly". Her sophomore album isn't out yet, but I've heard rumours that it's coming out in August.

I've had a passion for Ariana for years. I fell in love with her singing ever since I came across nine year old her singing the national anthem. Wasn't too psyched about "Put Your Hearts Up", and I'm glad she felt the same!

I've always felt that I could relate to her. She'd do anything for her family, and so would I. She has so much meaning, and she's so true to herself...

I was getting lost in the magical song "Tattooed Heart". when I walked into the school main entrance. Thankfully, no one was here yet... Slipping inside, I proceeded down the empty hall. I could hear the chattering of club meetings in some classrooms, and hushed voices coming from the staffroom.

When I finally reached the music department, I spotted Professor Flitwick typing furiously at his desk.

"Professor Flitwick? May I please use the music lab to work on my semester project?" I asked nervously.

He tilted his head in my direction, adjusting his half moon eyeglasses as if to get a better view of me.

"Of course... Um... Alice?"

"It's Elsa," I corrected timidly.

"Apologies! Well, you have my permission," he confirmed.

Relieved, I crept into the music lab (because it didn't feel right to be noisy in so much silence). Quickly I opened up my project, and started working on the instrumental.

G, A flat, C, G, A flat...

The notes were pouring out from my mind to my fingers to the keyboard to the computer. Constant ideas came rushing into my mind...

I love that feeling when you feel as if your ideas are endless. Unfortunately though, the bubble pops soon after the rush of inspiration, so I might as well make use of it...

By eight fifteen, I had written the introduction and first verse; lyrics and instrumental. Just when I had finished the recording the instrumental onto Logic, Jack burst through the lab door.

"Elsa!" he puffed. "I've- been- looking for- you-"

"Punzie should have told you I was here," I sighed.

"Well she did... I just asked five minutes ago," he confessed.

Boy logic...

"Anyway, I've recorded some of my instrumental! Do you want to hear?" I offered.

"Sure, I guess..."

"Just don't copy!"

"I promise," he vowed, drawing a cross over his heart and grinning.

He sat down in the chair next to me, I carefully placed the headphones over his ears, and pressed the play button.

After about a minute of what was complete silence for me, but a combination of classical and musical theatre for him, he slowly removed the headphones.

"Well?" I questioned, terrified that I would get terrible feedback (but even more terrified that he would lie and I would get false feedback).

"...You have a gift," he murmured, his eyes closed. I could see his delicate black eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. "It's like you're Mozart reincarnated into a teenage girl."


"You just came up with that now?" he interrogated.

"Yes, why?" I asked cautiously. His eyes slowly opened and his sky blue eyes came into deep contact with mine.

"You are incredible."

Did he just call me incredible? No one, besides family, had ever paid me a compliment that sincere. It felt great, like I was actually worth something. Jack thought I was worth something.

The room temperature dropped a few degrees.

"...Thanks. We should get to class, or we'll be late," I replied quickly. My powers are sometimes controlled by my emotions. My current mood- perplexed. Why would Jack call me incredible? He only met me yesterday...

"We better get going then, nerd," Jack teased. I flinched, stung. The temperature fell again. I'm even more confused now. First he calls me incredible, then he insults me?

"Hey, hey I'm only joking," he reassured softly when he saw my face. The temperature returned to normal.

He has a crude sense of humour, and he didn't comment of the brief heat loss. Hopefully he didn't notice...

"Hey guys!" Jack called eagerly across the corridor when he saw Punzie, Hiccup, and Merida. "I found her!"

"We weren't worrying, it was just you Frost," Hiccup pointed out, rolling his eyes.

"I know, but still!" Jack 'pointed out'.

"Still what?" Hiccup asked, a joking look plastered on his face.

"Girls, you're both pretty," Merida rolled her eyes. "Shall we go now?"

After a moment, the boys grumbled in assent.

When we got into homeroom, Punzie shuffled her desk towards mine.

"Do you want to go to the ice rink after school?" Punzie enquired.

"Sure!" I smiled weakly. I used to do figure skating, before my parents... Well anyway, it would be nice to skate again!

"Great!" Punzie beamed, before Miss Toothina started rolecall. Jack passed me a note as nonchalantly as possible when Miss Toothina turned away to document our attendance. It read:

"You're definitely getting top of the class in music, you don't need to try too hard. Jack."

I mouthed thanks in his direction before the shrill bell rang, signifying first period.

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