The beginning

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"Ahhhh" I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. Uhhh... what time even was it? It wasn't supposed to go off until 6:38 I checked my phone (a Samsung J5) and my eyes went wide.

 HOLY SWEET GOD! It was 7 freaking am I am soo late for my first day of school.

 I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth and also comb my hair.

 After doing that I went and grabbed the clothes I picked out for myself last night a plain white half-sleeved shirt paired with some army printed jeans along with an army green cardigan. I wore very minimal makeup only some mascara, eyeliner , a hint of some rosy red blush and a light brown colored lip gloss. I French braided my hair wore a cute owl necklace my dad got for my 16th birthday and I was set for school.

 I dashed down the stairs and on the bottom I was greeted by my two very annoying and sometimes irritating siblings : Jay Night and Emma Night. 

Jay has jet black hair and crystal blue eyes while Emma has light brown hair and warm brown eyes . I myself have long brown hair and blue eyes.

 While Jay and Emma are however twins nothing about them is similar while Jay is really good in sports and studies Emma is also well in studies but horrible in sports and is also an inch taller than Jay which she constantly teases him about ,I myself am not too short either being 5'7. 

Anyway as I descended the stairs I hears a lot of yelling .

 as I got down I saw the scene before me : as usual my siblings were having their regular morning argument, only today it was on an even more stupid reason to argue about. They were currently arguing about who got the last chocolate waffle mom always makes on first day of school.

"Jay its mine you already had two" yelled Emma.

"oh come on emm you can have one next time " reasoned Jay.

"NEVER! This means war Jay" Emma said .

"bring it I will never surrender"

I quickly grabbed the waffle and went to the table to eat.

They seemed to be in a daze as they hadn't still realized that I stole their waffle. Jay was the first to realize ... "Hey she stole our waffle." Jay said.

"Too late I already ate it plus that was a really stupid reason to declare war for" " I mean seriously you could've shared it" I said.

"Kids get in the car it's time for school" called my mom.

"COMING MOM" they yelled in unison.

"Mom I'm leaving for school and I'll be home at around 4 so don't panic. Me and Ivy will be going to the mall" I told my mom ,she tends to get worried a lot if I'm even a second late.

As I stepped out of my house I felt the light breeze against my face. 'It is going to be a good day' I thought to myself.

As I made my way to school I took my headphones out and my ipod and I listened to music on the journey to school.

 I kept thinking if this will just be another boring year of high school, or will something interesting finally happen in my life .

 I guess I really didn't know what was stored ahead for me...


**And that people is my first chapter sorry if it TOO short and a sorry in advance if I made any grammar mistakes please do point them out. Also this is my first story like EVER! So sorry if the plot isn't that interesting but I do hope you stick with me until the very end.**

Signing out,


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