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I ran as fast as I could to my class. Ughh.... Why must I study algebra on THE FIRST DAY?!?why do we even need to learn algebra anyway, it's not like someone's going to ask me to find the missing value of a quadratic equation on my job interview. Anyway I finally made it to my class and when I looked at my watch I realized I barely made it on time.

"Hey Emerald. How's your day so far?" Ivy said.

"Honestly it's been the worst; the only thing that could make it even worse was if Mr. Lee decides that having a pop quiz on the first day of school will be fun." I said.

"Aww...come on who knows! Maybe this year Mr. Lee will finally realize that giving pop quizzes on the first day were NEVER fun." Ivy said trying to cheer me up.

The bell finally rang indicating that the first period had begun. Mr. Lee walked in just a moment after the bell rang. Mr. Lee was this short, potbellied, middle aged man who taught us advanced algebra.

"Good mornin' class. So everyone ... how was your holidays? Did you enjoy em'? I hope you did."Mr. Lee said.

"Okay now before we begin I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Jake Holland. He's transferred from New Orleans."

So that was the new kid everyone was talking about. He looks kinda cute with his curly black hair and intense green eyes that looked like they've seen horrible things. He was also very tall about 5'12.

"Umm... hi my names Jake and I hope we can all be friends" he said with a smile.

"You can sure as hell be my friend." Mackenzie said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes at her antics. This poor boy would probably be Mackenzie's next victim.

"Now that everyone's gotten to know Jake I kindly suggest you open page 13 in your textbooks and solve exercise 1." Mr. Lee kindly asked.

After advanced algebra

As I grabbed my things and made my way out of class I bumped into someone.

"Oh my God. I am soo sorry I didn't see you there." I quickly apologized. When I looked up I saw it was Jake the new kid.

"It's okay. Things happen. I wasn't seeing where I was going either." Jake said.

"But now I feel guilty. I am really sorry. How about to make it up you can sit with me at lunch? How's that sound huh?"

"Thanks for the offer that sounds great!"

"Good then see you then." As I turned and made my way out I heard Jake call out,

"Wait! I don't even know your name."

"Oh... sorry my bad. My names Emerald."

"Emerald... nice suits you. Well I better get going see you at lunch Emerald."

"Yeah see you." I replied and made my way out of class.

I checked my time table looks like next period is German. Yay!! (notice the sarcasm.) see our school required atleast one foreign language and me being the extra person I am chose German. Now it's not that hard but the paragraphs that I had to write were very hard. 

 I'd better hurry I don't want to be late ..AGAIN! 

And I made my way to my next class with excitement of meeting a certain someone with curly hair later at lunch.

Authors note:

OMG!!!! I am soo sorry for not updating its just that I had school and I really got caught up in exams and assignments along with entrance exams for my high school. It is really hard leaving my friends and starting a new school with new people, anyway I'll probably try to update one or twice a week. I just hope you're not mad. But guys seriously I had exams and then suddenly "INFINITY WAR" IT RUINED ME I seriously cried. Im not gonna say any spoilers but if you want you can talk and we'll both cry together. And one month after Infinity war BOOM we have BTS's NEW ALBUM. I SERIOUSLY LOVED FAKE LOVE it's beautiful. Anyway I hope you like the chap if there are any grammar mistakes please point them out.

Signing out,


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