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As I walked to school these thoughts kept running in my head.

On my way to school I was listening to my favorite band 'Imagine Dragons'. I really love their songs.

Anyway I go to 'Fieldridge high school' which is not that far from my home. I'm currently in my junior year and am also captain of the volleyball team (girls).

Now I know you may not think of me as a sportsy type,

but really I love sports and am very good at it, if I didn't say so myself which I did.

Our schools volleyball team has beaten and won all competitions we ever attended and I'm really proud of that.

Anyway when I finally arrived to my school, as usual the entrance was crowded seniors were hanging out near the benches, freshmen's were looking worried and nervous as they went to the main office to get their schedules.

I remember how nervous I was on my first day as a freshmen but, then I met Ivy and we quickly became friends, I still remember the memory.


It was my first day of school and I just got my schedule, I checked my schedule and it read first period: chemistry.

Well I guess first period is chem, I better hurry I don't want to be late on the first day, only problem: where the heck is the classroom?!?

As I turned around I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry I didn't see you there. Are you okay?!" I asked.

"HUH! Oh yeah I'm fine, and it's okay." The girl replied.

" I swear I am so sorry !!" I said once again.

" like I said its on big deal, I'm Ivy by the way." She introduced herself.

"I'm Emerald" I introduced myself .

"so you a freshman?" she asked.

" how'd you know?" I asked.

"you look like one. I'm one too by the way" she replied.

"cool, so what's your first period?" I asked.

"chemistry, you? She said.

"same" I replied.

"well then we can go what do you say, will you be my friend?" Ivy asked.

"YUP" I said popping the 'P'.

"GREAT! Best friends it is." She piped up.

" yeah I guess it is" I replied overwhelmed.

My first day and I already made a friend.

End flashback.

We've been best friends ever since.


First period: advance algebra . ugghhhh! Why!

I checked the clock and...

Oh dear god I'm gonna be late!

I could hear whispers around me.

'Omg did you hear we have a new kid at school, rumor has it he is really good looking.'

' Well then he is definitely mine, So back off!'

That was Makenzie Rivers schools biggest mean girl.

'Did you hear about the new guy I heard he is a junior.'

'I heard he is also captain of the football team, That he is so good that the coach removed the previous captain.'

Huh. So what's the big about this new guy, he sounds like a normal person to me. 

Then why is everybody talking about him. This kind of things never happens in our school.

Usually no one cares who attends our school. Shawn Mendes could come and no one would care. But then, why him?

I should really forget about this I can't think of these things now, not when I'm about to be late for class, and I raced down the hallway with only one thing in my mind:

Who the heck is that guy? the guy who has gotten the attention of the whole school.

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