Chapter Two

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Chapter Two (Kasper's POV)

"Have you ever thought maybe he does love you?"

This is why I didn't tell people my problems. They never understand my situation, my outlook, or anything else. I think I just needed to vent is why I told people, then hoped they'd nod and shrug it off before we went back to work.

Apple was different. She just tried to give me advice, a second opinion, or sometimes the advice she gave me made me feel like the bad guy. I wasn't trying to be mean to Gavin-- not entirely anyway. I just wanted him to know that there was no chance we were mates. Not only were we of different species, but there was a reason he called me the pauper. He was a Prince. A vampire prince at that.

His kind were known highly for their possessiveness and strength. They were extremely clever and their race stretched on longer than even the werewolves and the werewolves had been here for almost eons. This meant they also lived longer. While weres lived at most two hundred years, vampires could live for thousands. It made me wonder how old Gavin really was.

"That's not a bad thing, is it?" Apple asked, snapping me out of my daydream to turn my head to look at her with a grimace.

"It is for me." I responded for the billionth time. Apple sighed wearily, holding a basket of biscuits as she stepped away from the counter. I picked up the bottles of wine to set them out, preparing for her lecture.

"Oh, Kasper. You can run, but you can't hide. Love finds its way to everyone," She boosted cheerfully as we walked into the dining hall where servants ran around hurriedly to get lunch ready in time, "Even people like you. You might as well stop fighting it."

"I don't need to fight what's not really there." I pointed out, turning my head as Apple gave me a disbelieving stare at my pessimism. I couldn't help it. Things happened to change what I once believed were more than fairy tales I overheard my parents telling my siblings.

I only remembered very little of what life was like before Jack bought me. The most vivid things were the most uncomfortable things. The way my parents favored either my older brothers or my twin sister. I was the youngest son and though Kailie and I were twins, she was pretty and lively. She had a wonderful singing voice.

Her hair was inky black, like mine, only hers was long and flowing like silk with blue eyes that were brighter than mine. Her lips were fuller and kissable, her skin smooth like a China doll's. She was going to make her mate very happy one day.

And even though Kailie and I were almost the same in appearance, our personalities were like water and oil. While Kailie was bubbly and happy, I was too shy and withdrawn. My parents either forgot I was there or yelled at me for not speaking loud enough.

"Kasper, you look really sad. Are you sure you don't love Gavin?" Apple asked, looking at me in concern as I came out of my thoughts. I frowned.

"I don't love anyone, Apple. If you like him so much, why don't you try?" I asked. Apple bleghed instantly as if the idea was the most revolting thing she'd heard all day. It actually made me smile faintly and want to laugh at her reaction. She shook her head vigorously as she set the biscuits out, stepping back to put her hands on her hips.

"Ew, ew. Not in a million years, Kasper. He's the most self-centered, spoiled rotton little--" She cut off right away, making me blink and turn to see her gaping at the entrance to the dining hall. I frowned and snapped my head to see Naoki entering with Thorn. Gavin came in right behind them with a deadly saunter.

"How's lunch?" Naoki asked me directly. I was surprised and just stood up respectfully nodding my head to him.

"Fine. We're almost ready." I answered quietly. Naoki smiled, but it faltered. Something was wrong with the way he was acting. He looked uneasy and sick to his stomach. I wanted to ask if he was all right, but if there was one thing you didn't do, it was get in Naoki's business. If he wasn't feeling well, you left him alone or did what you could to make him happy.

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