Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen (Gavin)

"I don't like them."

Luka glanced up at me as I sat at the table, staring at the files from my father's company without actually seeing them. He shrugged, adding the final touch to the silver tray before scooting it down the table to me where I plucked a glass of blood from it, taking a deep gulp before placing it back down rather loudly.

"Kasper does." Luka said as he stepped back, folding his hands behind his back. I scowled, picking up a pen and clicking it obnoxiously, watching Luka's face screw up in irritation.

"How can he forgive them for what they did?" I demanded angrily. How could Kasper even look at the people who willingly, and might I add stupidly, gave him up? It was driving me insane and the fact that they were staying in the hotel in the village infuriated me even more. To make matters even more dandy, Kasper was spending a lot of time with them, especially Kailie.

I'll admit, she was a sweet woman. She did seem to care about Kasper, but am I the only one who was still stuck on the fact that it was her fault Kasper went through Hell?

"Now, Prince Gavin," Luka began scoldingly, making me glare at him, "Kasper's free to make his own choices. You said so yourself. He wants to forgive his family for what they did. They had no idea what they were getting Kasper into. His forgiveness is the ultimate kindness." I grimaced and stopped clicking the pen, but threw it across the room so it smashed into the wall, sticking out like a dart and making Luka's eyes widen.

"I don't care," I growled under my breath, "I don't forgive them. I don't want them near Kasper." Luka averted his eyes, frowning a bit.

"Normally, this would be the part where I tell you that you're just being a jealous twit, but for once, I agree with you. I don't like his brother." He muttered. I raised an eyebrow.

"Which one? The obnoxious one that keeps staring at you or the one that hardly says a thing?" I asked flatly. Luka blinked, then rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest.

"Talon's a child compared to me. That'd be pedophilia and I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm talking about the older one, Urian. He's creepy." He added with a grunt. I frowned, sitting back in my seat to look at Luka curiously.

"Urian... He said he was the one who found Kasper. A journalist in New York City snapped a photo of us, thinking it was some kind of scandal. Urian saw the photo and found him." I explained aloud, making Luka nod before looking away.

"Yes, yes, what a lovely brother indeed, but Urian... Ah, screw it. Look, I told Kasper I wouldn't say anything just because he was terrified, but I'm far more loyal to you. Urian kissed Kasper," Luka informed, making my eyes widen, "And I'm not talking brotherly kiss to the cheek. I'm talking tongue in the mouth lover kiss."

I clenched my fists instantly, gritting my teeth as my fangs throbbed in my gums. My blood felt like it was about to reach a boiling point as I shot to my feet.

"I'm going to rip that damned bird into pieces." I seethed past clenched teeth. Luka grimaced and stepped in front of me before I could make my way toward the door. I glared at him and he held his hands up in surrender, but didn't get out of my way.

"Yea, trust me, I'm in a mood for chicken nuggets too, but in case you've forgotten, that's Kasper's brother. Kasper won't want you to hurt him because of that." Luka explained calmly. I scowled.

"How? Brothers don't kiss their other brothers! That's wrong! And he knows Kasper's my mate!" I protested angrily, clenching my fists so tightly that my nails broke into the skin of my palm. Luka glanced at me uneasily before lifting his eyes to lock with mine.

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