Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine (Kasper's POV)

Something was wrong with Gavin.

I noticed it the moment we left the hotel and headed for Central Park. He seemed absent-minded, like something else was on his mind. Part of me wanted to ask him what it was, but I felt nosy in doing so. Instead, I just sat there quietly beside him as Luka drove us to our destination.

I wondered what was making Gavin upset. He seemed lost in thought and his brow was furrowed in a deep frown as he leaned against the car door. He was tapping his foot on the floor, his hand on his knee while his other one held his head up.

"Uhm, are you sure you want to go out today?" I asked after a while, tilting my head to look at him. He blinked, as if snapping from a deep thought to smile at me, but it faltered noticably. I glanced at Luka, who was frowning as he drove. He was usually smiling. Whatever was bothering Gavin, was bothering Luka too.

What were they keeping from me?

"I'm fine," Gavin assured me, although I knew he was lying, "We'll talk about it later. Right now, I want to enjoy a wonderful lunch with you." He must be really intent on just a picnic. I suppose I'd have to wait until he was ready to tell me what was bothering him.

Part of me knew I shouldn't be so nosy. After all, I'd kept plenty of secrets from Gavin and had only just recently opened up. He should be entitled to his own secrets as well, right?

I felt a headache start to throb in my temple, so I stopped thinking to stare out the window as we approached Central Park. Luka dropped us off, but neither he nor Luka said a word to each other as we got out. I watched past Gavin's shoulder as Luka took off down the road, his tires squealing before I looked up at Gavin, who avoided my face as well as Luka's display.

"Are you two fighting?" I asked. Gavin blinked, looking startled out of his thoughts again, then gave me an uneasy smile.

"Yes. I suppose you could say that." He responded, then gestured for me to follow him as we started down the path past tall oak trees. My eyes drifted over the familiar brightly colored flowers, pure green grass, and trees dotting the area. Benches sat along the paths with the occasional family, a homeless man, and college students on their laptops.

"Is it a big fight?" I decided to ask after a while as we walked. Gavin nibbled his lower lip thoughtfully before shrugging.

"I suppose."

"You shouldn't fight with Luka."

"I know. Trust me, it's not something I would resort to, but he's not listening to me."

"He's your butler, though." I pointed out, surprised that Luka would dare to defy his master. I'd never do such a thing, but I suppose everyone had reasons for betraying those they swore loyalty to. Had Gavin done something to make Luka angry? I decided to be a little more discreet about my questions as Gavin shrugged again.

"Luka may be my butler, but he's also my oldest friend and finds it to his liking to piss me off." He replied with a sigh, his hands dipping into the pockets of his jeans. I played with the hem of my shirt thoughtfully before glancing up at him out the corner of my eye.

"If he's your friend, then isn't it even worse to be fighting with him?"

"Yes. I suppose that's true, but we've fought like this before... I'm just hoping I win this time."

"You lost last time?"

"Yes. Back when Christianity was taking its hold on the world. People were dazzled by the things Jesus and his Desciples had to say about God. Of course, they also said God hated witchcraft and the supernatural-- the oldest beings in the world that predate any monotheistic religion. Let's just say that my argument with Luka that time led to me being crucified and burned." Gavin muttered flatly. I felt a chill course up my spine at that.

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