Chapter 5

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Nathan POV

I woke up really early today, the sun wasn't out yet. I hate waking up this early but it's a habit now. I got up, get changed and went to our library. I was looking around seeing if there are any books to read since I almost read all the books here... I'm a weird kid... I walked outside to check if there's any mail. "Mr. Jefferson? What are you doing this early in the morning?" The mailman, he's a decent guy. "Good Morning, I always wake up this early. Is there any mail for us? He nodded and gave me four letters. "Thank you" He smiled and went to the other house. As I went inside, I was looking through the mails. One from Mr. Hamilton, I guess to apologize. One from the president, also apologizing on what happened yesterday. One from Eric O'Connor and another one about the winter ball. I left three letters on the kitchen counter and took one back to my room.

Eric O'Connor...  My only friend, as depressing as it sounds. I like it that away. The letter started with.

Dear Nathan Jefferson,

And then there was a bunch of scribbles, that sounds a lot like him. 

Start again... Dear Nathan Jefferson, ygthhhhhhhhhhhhhhgy-

God... Seriously this kid...

Dear Nathan Jefferson,

It has been a while since I saw you, is everything okay? Well, you don't show any emotion so I guess not. I have good news and bad news, the good news is that ... there's no good new. They're back Nathan! They're back! And as soon as you get this letter I'm going to your house.

Yours sincerely
Eric O'Connor

Shit... I took an apple from the kitchen and went to the garden. It's a really nice place. "HEY!" I turned around and saw Eric. "Hello," he huffed and jump next to me "You're no fun" He sure acts like my sister. "I've been told that a million of times already, how's your sister." He sat down on the grass. "She's well..." His sister has been diagnosed with depression for some reason. I feel bad for him... "Let me you a question" I sit down next to him. "Go ahead"  I looked up at the sky. "Are you okay?" I just simply nodded. "We should go inside before my father starts looking for me, you do remember what happen last time." My father always goes to our room before he goes to work to check if we're okay. And last time I wasn't there because I was in the library. "It was so funny!" Eric started laughing.

We started walking to my room "Is your room still boring?" I don't know how to respond to that so I just shrugged. When we arrived there my father was there. "Good morning father." He sighs in relief "Good morning Mr. Jefferson" He looked at Eric. "Good morning Eric, and why are you guys awake." We stayed quiet "Okay then... I'm going to work now, check on your sister. She might still be shocked on what happened yesterday." He left which made Eric confuse. "What happened yesterday" I sighed and told him everything.


I woke up around midday, nothing to do today... so I got up and went to Nathan's room, open the door. Jump on him and went back to sleep.

Nathan POV

And she's sleeping...  Great, I don't like physical contact. I pick Y/N up and put her on my bed. "I'm boreddddd" Eric was rolling around. "Then why do you even hang out with me." I put a blanket over Y/N and Eric never answered my question. Knock knock "I'll go answer that, you take care of my sister." I went down the stairs and opened the door. "Mrs. Hamilton?" I was confused why she was here. Phillip is next to her.


Yeah yeah, I know this is a shitty chapter and so, but I couldn't think of anything. So please forgive me. anyways hope you like this and see you in the next chapter!!!

~Sincerly me


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