Chapter 6

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"Sorry to show up like this but I need someone to take care of Philip." I step aside so they can enter. "I understand, but you do know that if my father found out that a Hamilton is in our house he will get mad," I stated. "Yes, I understand. I'll be back before sundown." I nodded " Please do, my father comes back around that time." I looked at Philip, I guess he's still scared of what I said last time. "Have fun Philip, I'll be leaving now" He hugged his mother and I showed her out.

After she left we just stood in silence. "... I-is Y/N h-here?" He stuttered "Yes, she is. Shall I call her down here." He nodded so I went up and entered my room to a surprise. A bucket of water was splash onto me. "Who's idea was this!!!" Trying to stay as calm as possible. Eric and Y/N pointed at each other. "Y/N get dressed, we have a special guest." She ran out of my room, when she left I gave a death stare to Eric. "Ah, shit."


I changed into a blue dress, while I was changing I can hear Nathan shouting at Eric. Was it worth it? Yes! I went down the long stairs to hear a familiar voice. "Y/N!!!!" I looked at the special guest. "Philip!!!" I ran towards him and give him a hug. "Why are you here, my brother wouldn't allow it." He told me that his mother needed to go somewhere and that no one can take care of him so that's why he's here. "GET OUT!" Philip and I looked up at the stairs seeing Eric being pushed out of Nathan's room. He looked at us. "Wanna play hide and seek?" We both smile widely "Hell yes!" I responded. "Language missy, your brother will kill me if he finds out you're talking like this. I'll count first"

"1" Philip ran under the coach. "2" I ran to the library. "3" Philip got out of the coach and also ran to the library. "4" He got lost while I'm hiding between some books like a sandwich. "5" Philip started laughing because I was stuck "6" He tried helping me. "7" I finally got out. "8" We started panicking "9" Philip hid behind the curtains. "10" I hid under a table. "Ready or not, here I come!" Eric first went to the garden then to the library. "I know you're in here somewhere." He saw Philip's feet. "Found you!!" Philip ran out of the curtains and under the table where I'm at. "Find your own table!!!" Suddenly Eric pops up out of nowhere. "Found you~" We screamed and ran towards the garden. We stopped to catch our breath.  

After a few more rounds of hide and seek we stop to take a break, we were sitting in the garden. "Guys, there's food in the kitchen if you want some," said Nathan standing behind us. "Is it mac and cheese again?" He shook his head. "I'm already tired of eating that, I made some tuna sandwiches." I jumped up and drag Philip into the kitchen by the time Nathan and Eric walked in, I already finished eating three sandwiches. "You sure like your sandwiches" Philip stated while taking his second one. "Hell ya, I do!" Nathan glared at Eric and he laughed nervously. "Let's play a game!" Philip jumped on Eric and I jumped on Nathan. "Off to the garden!!!" Philip smiled widely as Eric starts running to the garden. I heard Nathan sighed and also runs to the garden. "Happy?" He asked. I laughed. "Yes." 

"WAIT!! NOOO" I heard Philip screamed. "Your welcome" Nathan put me down, "what happened?" I ran toward the fountain. Philip was in it. "He pushed me into the fountain!!" Nathan slowly crept up on me and pushed me! "What?!" I fell into the fountain as well. I looked up at him, for I second I thought he was smiling. I think it's just my imagination. "ARE YOU SMILING?!" Eric practically screamed. "He never smiles?" Philip asked. "Not in two years" He looked shocked. Nathan cleared his throat. "I might have, just ignore it. Let's get you two dry up." "I want Eric to help me!!" I wanted Philip and Nathan to get along. "Let's goooooo!" Eric picked me up and to my bedroom." 

Philip POV

The guy called Eric took Y/N away! I don't want to stay with her brother! He's really scary! Suddenly I started crying, why am I crying?! "What's wrong?" He haves a heart?! Daddy said that people who don't show a caring attitude, don't have a heart, like Mr. Jefferson. Wait... Oh yeahhh, I forgot, he's the son of Mr. Jefferson. "Talk to me, I'll be scolded if you're not okay. Whatever, I'll ask you later. You better get dry up or else you'll get a cold." He picked me up and went to his room. I looked around his room, it's really big and very organized. "I like your room." He was looking for clothes that I can wear. ".... Thank you." He responded. "Here, I  these are my clothes. I think it'll fit you. The bathroom is over, there's a towel on the counter to dry yourself." I nodded. "Thank you, sir." I went to the bathroom and started drying myself. After changing I went out of the bathroom seeing Y/N brother reading. "Sir?" He looked up. "That looks really good on you, you should keep it."

"I can't this is your clothes." He closed his book and stands up. "Are you going to argue with me?" For a second I thought he was starting to be nice. A drop of water dripped from my hair, Y/N brother picked up a towel and started to dry my hair. "W-what are you doing?" I stammered. "Drying your hair, don't want you to be sick." "Why do you care about my well being?" He stopped. "Oh, so you want to be sick?" I shook my head. "Then let me dry it." He continued.


"All done! Do you want me to braid your hair?" I turned around to face Eric. "You know how to braid hairs?!" I asked excitedly. "Of course, I have a little sister who asked me to braid her hair all the time." He chuckled and started braiding my hair. "How's your brother, I'm getting more worried about him." He asked. "He's... fine, I guess... just." I was thinking about the scars on his chest, like how did he get it?! He's just ten! "Just what?" He questioned. "You know how he always wakes up before the sun is out?" He nodded. "Yes" "Well... One day, I woke up quite early and he wasn't downstairs near the kitchen as usual, he was still in his room." Eric nodded wanting me to continue "So I went to his room, shouting his name because I'm weird. There was a lot of shuffling before the door was open and..." Before I could continue Eric interrupted me. "Was it the dinner with the president day?" I nodded. "Did you see it?" I guess he is referring to the scars and nodded again. His face was really serious for a while. "Okay! I'm done! Do you like it?" He went back to his smiling self. I looked at the braid. "You're so good at it!!" 

"What can I say, I'm the best." I laughed. "Okay, okay. Let's go find Philip and Nathan." We went out of my room and went to Nathan's room. "Hey!!! Slow it down a bit. There's water in my eye!" They can't get along at all! "HEYYY!!!" I barged in. "Now it's dry," Nathan stated. "Nathan!! I wanna read a book.!" He looked at me. "Which one?" He asked. "The one we always read before." I can tell that Philip is very confused. "Alright, wait for me downstairs. You too, Philip." We nodded. "Why are these stairs so loooong," Philip whined. "Don't ask me, ask my dad." We finally made it down. "What book were you talking about?"

Before I can answer, Nathan brought the book. "What was this book doing under the closet?" Ohh, I forgot I stole it from my brother. "My bad." Nathan and Eric sat on the couch, I sat on Nathan and Eric carried Philip to sit on his lap.

"Once there was this happy family on a peaceful island." Nathan started reading, gradually, I started to fall asleep. And then I did.

Eric POV

Philip and Y/N was sleeping, even Nate. I looked at him. Did his mother death affect him that much?  I keep looking at him. Look at those eyes, nice dark mocha color eyes and his hair is perfect. His body is perfect. I saw him shirtless once and damn, he fine ..... shit... I'm so gay. Like I'm the dude wearing nail polish yelling heyyyyy. Wait, what's nail polish? Stop mixing the timeline up!!!! ((Sorry >~<)) Anyways, this moment was perfect until someone knocked on the door. I quietly shouted come in, trying not to wake anyone up. Ms. Hamilton opened the door. "Philip, your mother is here." I lightly nudged him.

"Hm? That fast?" Y/N and Nathan soon woke up. Ms. Hamilton chuckled. "Did you enjoy your day Philip?" Philip jumped up. "Yes!!! Can we come back another time?" I chuckled knowing Nate would be annoyed. Nathan stood up. "It would be nice to have you here again but I'm afraid my father would disagree." Mrs. Hamilton frowned. "Yes, that will be a problem." She smiled again. "Thank you for looking after Philip" Nathan walked towards the door with Ms. Hamilton and Philip, I followed behind. "It has been a pleasure, and here are your son's clothes. I guess he fell in the fountain and he can keep the clothes he's wearing now, I don't need it anymore." 

Mrs. Hamilton looked at Philip clothes just realizing that he's wearing something different. "Thank you, it looks lovely on him." Nathan walked them to the porch. "Have a nice evening Mrs. Hamilton." Philip went and hugged Y/N them me and lastly Nathan. To my surprise, he hugged back. "You too." They walked away and cross the streets. "OHHH, money." Philip stopped in the middle of the road and there was a carriage going towards him. Nathan immediately notices this. So he ran towards Philip and pushed him out of the way.

"Wait!!! NATHAN!!!!"


1743 words. whooo, finally another chapter. school started. im sad now. now ik i have a lot of grammar mistakes but i dont fcking care. so hope you enjoy this and see YOU in the next chapter.

dont know why i put 'you' in all caps. im weird.

~Sincerly me


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