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"I love that!" Sebastian yelled as he heard the video clip playing.

He ran over and grinned at me. Sun glasses held his bangs back on his head and exposed his chiseled features. The shirt of his suit was pulled out and his blazer was unbuttoned. I loved how he looked on rest days.

"It's perfect," he mimicked the video.

I laughed and grabbed his chin firmly. "You're perfect!" I did my best to impersonate him. Our faces were inches apart although, with the smiles on our lips distance seemed to shorten. His hand floated up to caress my cheek in order to be as gentle as I was with him. The alcohol on his breath was faint. He only had maybe two drinks so far today, not enough to intoxicate him.

"Your face is so," I began, "perfect!"

He laughed at that with his signature smile. The smile that crinkled his face up in the best kind of way possible. The smile that showed pure happiness at all times.

After a moment of soft laughter Sebastian brought his lips to mine. Our hands stayed still on each other's faces as our lips moved ever so gingerly. The kiss consisted not of bites or tugs, but of a perfect sync and the capture of my bottom lip by Sebastian's lips.


When it came time to wake up I was smothered in the bunk by Sebastian. We were bare chest to bear chest, clothed bottom to bear bottom. My arm stuck out from under him as I held him close to me like that.

"Good morning!" two loud voices yelled.

The sheet was ripped off Sebastian but not me. I had never been so glad someone had laid their body uncomfortably over mine. He exposed himself rather than me. Such a gentleman.

Once the curtains were closed I peeked out from his chest. He smiled down at me and pecked my lips. "Good morning," he whispered.

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