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{Nine months later}

Here we are.

I'm in the delivery room, beads of sweat falling off of my forehead as I panted heavily and gripped onto the metal bars of the hospital bed.

Simon was stood, unsure of what to do as he stared at me in shock and fear. I smiled through the pain and told him to come over.

"Hunny it's fine... I-I love you.. a-and get ready to catch a baby.." I laughed teasingly, he laughed too and put on a hospital gown. The doctor came in, crouching down as I opened my legs.

"Fuck!!.." I groaned in agony, staring at my mother who was holding my hand firmly and supportively. Simon began to pace the room again in fear.

"Simon stop fucking pacing your m-making me ne..n-nervous!!" I screamed towards the end, groaning and dropping back my head.

"S-s-sorry.." he apologised, stopping the moments and crouching near the doctor. The nurse by my side rubbed my arm and helped me pace my breathing.

"When I tell you to push you push, when I tell you to breath in and out copy what I say." She told me, I nodded and exhaled sharply.

"Breath in....-" She said, I copied and breathed in deeply. "-and out.." she said soothingly, I did so again and exhaled out.

"I'll count you in and push on three." She encouraged me, I nodded and composed myself with deep breaths.

"One... two.. three." She said, I pushed on three groaning loudly as I did so and giving up once I ran out of breath.

"Good, good. Again- one.. two.. three." I did it again, pushing harder and harder each time. I did it over and over and over.

"I can see the head" The doctor said, I felt my mother grip my hand tighter then ever as I breathed out and in.

I pushed for the final time before hearing the shrieks and cries of my newborn baby. Simon held the small human, sobbing heavily as he wiped him with the towel given and cried at the look of his son.

I smiled down on him, looking with love in my eyes as Simon held him up to his chest and sobbed with happiness. My lips turned into a bright smile, I cried at him as he walked closer to me with our baby.

"L-look... he's stunning.." Simon cooed, crouching by my side and handing him over to me. I cried when holding him against my chest, Simon kissed my forehead and watched me with tears streaming his face.

"H-heya.. hi I'm your mummy.. a-and this is your daddy." I cried, kissing his cheek as he snuggled into my chest. Simon sobbed and looked longingly down on us both.

"Stephanie this baby is nowhere near a mistake.." Simon told me, I looked up at him and back down on my baby.

He's right.

This baby is not a 'mistake'
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