Chapter Four

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*Ashton's Point Of View*

 My home life was not the best. It wasn't even a good life. Every day I get home, get bullied, and sleep. That's really it.

"Ashton! Get your ass down here!" a high pitched voice screamed at me. I sighed, slowly walking down the stairs. 

"Yes Mom?" I said, barely above a whisper. I don't like talking to this woman. 

"I got a phone call today. Apparently you haven't been turning your work in? What's the meaning of this?" she asked, her voice raising. I shrugged, looking down at the floor. She grabbed my long hair, pulling my face up to look at her. 

"I had the decency to put you in school, and this is how you repay me?" she yelled in my face. I grabbed her wrist. 

"Mom, please, you're hurting me," I whimpered, tugging at her wrist. 

"Good. A useless faggot like you deserves to be hurt," she hissed, pushing me down so I was on my knees. Tears stung my eyes, but I tried my best to hold them back. "What? The little baby's gonna cry? Go ahead, show how weak you are." She tugged on my hair harder. 

The tears finally left my eyes, and I held back a loud sob. 

I  pushed in the direction of the kitchen, her grip on my hair released. "Go do the damn dishes," she sneered, heading upstairs. I ran into the kitchen, allowing hard sobs to escape my mouth. 


*Luke's Point Of View*

I always thought my home life was pretty good. Of course, both my brothers were in college, and my parents work a lot, but I don't really mind that. Whenever my parents are home, we also have a good time. Dad and I play catch and things outside, while Mom cooks dinner. Then we'll play games and watch movies until I go to bed. 

I love my life. 

As always, I get home, with no one else there. I kicked off my shoes and ran into my room, sitting at my desk. I pulled out my history book and opened it to the indicated pages and started my work. 

An hour later, my homework was done and I was left with nothing to do. I let my mind wander for a while, but I ended up just thinking of Ashton. 

Ashton. I love that name. It fits him really well. His dirty blonde hair, his deep caramel eyes, that dark blue sweater he wears every day. Everything about him is perfect, He's beautiful, in every single way possible. 

I wonder what his smile looks like. What his laugh sounds like. I wonder how my lips would feel on his. I wonder what it would be like to date. To be able to hold his hand, hug him, kiss him, make him feel loved. I wonder what our wedding would be like, if we got married. I wonder what it will be like to spend every second of every day for the rest of my life by his side. 

Pretty amazing, I bet. 

Sadly, the chances of him being gay, or bi even, are very slim. How do I know if he likes me back? I don't. I guess I can only hope now. 

I didn't know I fell asleep until a hand was shaking me. 

"Luke, it's time to get up. Dinner is ready," my mum's soft voice said, pulling me from my sleep. I groaned, rubbing my eyes. 

"We'll be downstairs. Come down where you're ready to eat," she said, leaving to room. I slowly stood up, making my way downstairs. Mom and Dad were already at the table. 

"Hey kid, have a nice nap?" Dad asked. I nodded, taking a seat at the table. Mom handed me a full plate. I picked up my fork and started eating. 

"So, did you have a nice day at school?" Mom asked. I nodded, wiping my mouth. My mind wandered back to Ashton and I smiled. 

"You're smiling. What happened?" Mom asked, placing her hands under her chin. I felt my face flush. 

"You know that mystery boy I was telling you about?" she nodded. "Well, I got him to talk to me today," I said. Mom squealed and Dad chuckled deeply. "He told me his name was Ashton." 

"That's a lovely name," Mom said, returning to her dinner. 

"So when is your first date with this boy?" Dad asked, making me choke on my food. 

"Come again?" I said, once I recovered. 

"I asked when your first date is with this boy?" he asked again, seeming not at all phased. I swallowed. 

"We're not dating, Dad, " I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"But you like this boy, don't you?" he asked. I nodded. 

"Well, yeah, but I'm not even sure if he's into guys or not," I said. Yes, my parents knew I was gay, and they completely accepted it. 

"Well then why don't you ask him?" Mom asked. 

"Mom, I barely got him to tell me his name today. And that's such a weird question to ask," I said. She shrugged. 

"It's only weird if you make it weird," she said. I just continued to eat. 


I walked into school the next day with a smile on my face. I went straight to the football bleachers, and as I expected, there sat Ashton. His hair was messy, so I couldn't see his face as he stared into space. I slowly walked up the bleachers, 

"Hey Ashton," I said, sitting next to him. He didn't even look up at me. I stared out at the field. "It's very peaceful out here. Do you come out here every day?" He didn't say anything. We just sat in silence for the next couple of minutes, until I heard the school bell ring. I stood up. 

"The bell rang. Aren't you coming?" I asked. He looked up at me, but didn't say anything. I held my hand out for him. "Come on, let's get to class." He stared at my hand, but he didn't take it. However, he did stand up and start walking towards the school. I sighed, but happily followed. 

* * * * *

Hello. Again. I'm updating quite quickly. This is fun. 

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please leave a comment down below telling me what you think. It makes me so happy to see your comments, good or bad. 


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