Chapter One - Max

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I glanced around the new place I would call home, it felt good being in Arcadia Bay again but it felt weird being in a dormitory like I was in college. I started opening boxes and setting up my room. 

It had been hours since I started decorating, It was now extremely late into the night, I decided it would be a good opportunity to explore while everyone was asleep. I grabbed my phone for a flashlight and a jacket because there was a light drizzle. I left the dormitories and headed for campus, my heart jumped into my throat when I saw another flashlight and heard quiet talking. A person came in view, thank god, it was only a student, so I kept walking. I felt eyes on my back but I knew it would have been an animal because I heard a door close, assuming it was the other student out. I glanced around the darkened campus, dark blues and hard yellows of street lamps decorated the campus. It was a perfect photo op but i decided against it, not wanting to draw attention to myself. 

after a bit more exploring, I walked back to my dorm. The feeling of being watched returned but I brushed it off yet again. I opened the door to my dorm and walked in, I stepped on something in front of the door. I flicked on the light to my small living space as I closed the door, then I decided on looking at what I had stepped on. It was a note, I read what was scribbled on it "fuck off, newbie." I arched my eyebrows at the written statement before placing it down on the side table of my couch "oh well." I sighed as I fell onto my bed "it's probably a stupid prank." I told myself as I drifted off.


I glanced around the new area I was in, where the hell was I? I noticed a boy with light brown- almost blonde hair, he was wearing a deep red jacket and his face was covered in bruises and deep gashes. His hands were covered in blood and his jeans were torn and dirty. He looked scared, which bothered me. Weren't dreams supposed to be about people you have seen in your lifetime? I don't think I have ever seen this kid in my entire life. I felt something on my head and my arms and legs were cold, what was I wearing??


I woke up in a cold sweat, what the hell even was that dream? I quickly got out of bed, grabbed my toiletry bag and new clothes, maybe if I showered, I would feel better, right? I walked to the shower stalls and got in one. I closed the curtain and quickly showered, it definitely did not clear my mind. I got dressed in the stall, then went to brush my teeth. I stared in the mirror before I was greeted with a girl with her dirty blonde hair tied up into a bun and a soft yellow dress, a cross rested on a silver chain around her neck. "hi, I'm Kate." she smiled softly at me as she washed her hands "hi Kate, I'm Max." I smiled back. She nodded "I know, I'm giving you a tour today! Maybe we can walk to school together." she seemed bubbly. "okay." I nodded. 

Once we were at school, Kate brought me to the office so I could check in and pick up my student ID card, which I put in my pocket. Kate then pulled me out of the office and we started the tour. Several people were greeting Kate warmly, she greeted them back with the exact same warmth. Then, a boy stormed down the now empty hall, he had a black eye and a split and bloodied lip. He had light brown-blonde hair that was combed back and wore a red- holy shit was this the dream kid? He stopped and stared at me for a second before Kate spoke up "Morning, Nathan." She smiled at him "fuck off, rabbit girl." he waved his hand and walked away. "Do you know his deal?" I asked Kate as we continued the tour "he's sort of a problem child, I guess.. He's from the richest family in Arcadia.." Kate sighed "he's hard to get through to, believe me." she smoothed out the dress she wore before stopping in front of a classroom "well, this is your class, I'll see you later Max." she waved before walking away. 

I sat in my final class, still wondering about the mystery boy, Nathan. Something was up with him and I wanted to know, bad. The bell rang and pulled me out of my thoughts. I got out of my seat and walked to my locker to pick up my stuff. I opened the metal door and grabbed my bag, closed the door and walked toward the exit of the building with the rest of the students. Someone fell in step with me, I knew immediately it was Kate because of the yellow "hey Kate." I smiled at her "hey Max, any homework tonight?" she asked, a big smile on her face "no." I was relieved that I did not have homework, I just wanted to sit around and do some research on this Nathan kid. Kate spoke up "good! We're gonna go to two whales diner together for dinner." She smiled brightly "a date?" I asked "no, just as friends, silly!" she laughed. I nodded "I was just kidding, Kate but I would love to go. I'll meet you there around five thirty, okay?" I hummed as Kate nodded "sounds like a plan!" she skipped away. I headed for my dorm, ready for some good research. 

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