Camila Cabello

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Shawn's P.O.V
I decided to head out to the shops as I had nothing else to do. I grabbed my keys and headed out, locking the door behind me. I hopped into my car, put on some music and pulled out of the car park. I know it was risky going out in public with no security at all, but I just pulled my hood over my head and hoped for the best. I made it to the shops and started wandering around the place. I didn't need anything specific, so I just looked at random things. I did spot one girl looking at me. I looked up at her. She was extremely attractive. She knew who I was, but I gave her a look as if to say, 'please don't draw any unwanted attention to me'. It's almost like she read my mind as she nodded and smiled at me. There was something about her smile. She then disappeared into another isle. I was so grateful that she didn't make a scene. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She was about average height. I kept dawdling round the isle looking for anything that interested me. I ended up getting a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream and 2 cans of coke. I knew Hailee loved cookie dough. I got to the cashier and paid for my things. There was a young man standing behind the counter. I don't think he recognised me. I got out of the shop with no bother. I started heading back to my car when I seen the girl I was looking at in the shop. I decided I should probably thank her for doing what she did. I quickly walked over to her. She was putting her shopping bags in her car. 'Hey' I said casually. She turned around not expecting it to be me. 'Oh, hey' She said smiling, showing her dazzling white teeth. 'I just wanted to thank you for, y'know, not making a big scene when you easily could have' I said with my hands in my pockets. 'Oh no problem. I'm glad it was me who seen you and not some crazy fan girl' she said giggling. 'Yea, thank god' I said smiling at the ground. 'I'm Camila by the way' she said holding out her hand. 'Camila Cabello'. 'Shawn Mendes' shaking her hand. I then realised how stupid I sounded, she already knew who I was. 'I can't believe I shook hands with THE Shawn Mendes' she said smiling shyly. I just laughed. It got to the point where I knew she was cool, so I took a stupid risk. 'So, eh, I was wondering if I could maybe have your number?' I said scratching the back of my neck. She raised an eyebrow, but pulled out her phone with no question. I took out my phone and she filled in her number and I put my number into her phone. 'Anyway I should probably get going now, it was nice to meet you Camila' I said taking a few steps back. 'You too Shawn, I'll talk to you later' she said getting in her car while smiling. I gave a small wave before getting into my car. I smiled to myself. But then my head sank. I have a girlfriend. What the hell is wrong with me. Shit. What the hell am I gonna do.

Just a quick word saying I absolutely love Camila and I in no way mean this to offend her in anyway x

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