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Hailee's P.O.V
It's been a few days since I last saw Shawn. To be completely honest, I miss him more than ever. I just don't know if I'm ready to forgive him yet. He's called and texted me endless amount of times. I've been staying with my parents back in LA. I came home early from London and my music producer was not happy, but he knew he couldn't stop me. I got home and told my family everything that happened. Everyone has been really supportive but I just feel so empty recently. I knew Shawn was coming back to LA also, so he was probably going to try and show up at my house or something.

Shawn's P.O.V
A few weeks have passed since me and Hailee's 'argument' in London. I have tried contacting her in so many different ways, but she has cut me of every time. It's like I just don't exist to her anymore. Camila hasn't spoken to me since either, as soon as she found out I was in a relationship with Hailee, she freaked out and completely ghosted me. The press are all up my ass now and I've just been trying to lay low. I feel like complete shit. I want Hailee back so badly. I just wanna hug her and tell her I'm sorry. I just fucking want her to be mine again. She was mine and I just messed it all up like the idiot I am. There was still a little bit of hope left though. I was going to perform in New York tomorrow, and so was Hailee. We could finally meet and I could talk to her and explain everything. I didn't really have much explaining though, I mean it's pretty obvious what happened. I just need her to know that I'm truly deeply sorry.

The Next Day...
I was backstage searching for Hailee. I asked some staff were she was and they told me she was in her dressing room. I walked past all the names until I finally met her door. I took several breaths in. I shook out my hands and took one big last breath in, before knocking on the door. I heard a lot shuffling around and some stuff falling over. The door flung open to reveal the most beautiful human on his planet. 'Shawn?' She whispered. I looked at her and noticed her lip stick was all smudged and her hair was a bit scruffy. Her shirt was also buttoned up with the wrong buttons. I was about to say something when I heard another voice. 'Hailee? Who's there babe?' A man said walking over to Hailee. He slid his hand around her waist and I cringed at the sight of it. He too has lip stick smeared on his lips and neck and his hair was all scruffy like Hailee. I had obviously interrupted them. I froze. Was she over me already? 'Erm Shawn, this is Cameron. My boyfriend' Hailee said smiling and looking at Cameron. My heart dropped to the floor. I swallowed the lump on my throat and held back the tears that were burning in my eyes. 'Can I talk to you Hailee please? Alone?' I asked indicating towards Cameron. Ugh even his name made me want to throw up. He just raised his eyebrow at me. Then he leaned in and kissed Hailee on the lips, I turned away, not being able to look at them. When I heard Cameron leave I turned back around. Hailee sighed before moving to the side allowed me to come in. She shut the door behind me and went over to her mirror. She started fixing her makeup while I was thinking of what to say. 'So uh, you got a boyfriend now, huh' I said shuffling my feet around. 'Yep' Was all she replied with. 'Sorry for uh, interrupting you guys there' I said, trying hard to not show that I was braking at the thought of it. She just sighed 'what do you want Shawn?'. 'I um, I just wanted to apologise for, the whole Camila, thing' I stuttered looking at the ground. 'I never really got the chance to say sorry properly and I just want you to know that I truly regret what I did, if I could go back in time I would, and I would change what I did that night. Me and Camila don't talk at all anymore and I think she regretted just as much as I did. She felt really bad when she found out I was with you' I swallowed hard. She didn't say anything she just grabbed some more makeup. 'Can we at least be friends?' I asked with hopeful eyes. She sighed once again before turning around to me. 'Okay fine, friends' She said smiling a toothless smile and I felt relief wash over me. My heart was racing when she looked at me and we made eye contact for a few seconds before she broke it of. 'I em, I should probably get ready for, y'know the performance, so uh' she said fidgeting. 'Oh yea of course, I, Yea I'll get going. But it was nice seeing you Hailee' I said walking towards the door. 'You too Shawn' she said with a small smile. 'Now go, get out of here' She shooed me away. I chuckled as chased me out of the room. I waved at her while I was walking away. 'See ya around'. She smiled and shut the door while I went to my own dressing room. Once I got to my room I instantly started jumping around the place as the excitement bubbled inside of me. A few minutes later my hair stylist came in and asked me to sit down so she could fix my hair. While she was doing my hair one of the staff came in and told me there was some difficulties and some people weren't going to make it. 'So if it's okay with you, you and Hailee will be performing stitches on stage together' the man said flicking through his clip board. A grin instantly formed on my face. 'Yes of course. Have you asked Hailee yet?' I questioned him. 'Yea I have, she's really looking forward to it' He said winking. Woah, why was he winking? 'I'll see you when you're ready' he called before leaving the room. My day honestly couldn't get any better now, I can finally start over with Hailee and I couldn't be more ready if I tried.

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