ii. la introducción

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❝ together forever, promise me. ❞

"stop! " yasmin stood in front of her sister with the black pistol now aimed at her forehead instead of josé's. tears streamed down the young girls face as she looked into her sisters cold, emotionless eyes.

" move yas. " julez said through gritted teeth. her finger laid on the trigger comfortably, as she has done this many times before but, this was a little harder for her.

" no julez. don't do this please. " yasmin begged her. josé wrapped one of his arm around the young girls neck & the other around her waist, trying to calm his love down. julez looked at the pair as her eyes filled with tears remembering when she was in her sisters position. loving the enemy. she lowered the weapon & turned her back on the pair.

" take her home. " she finally spoke up swallowing down unshed tears when she saw the familiar burgundy car in the distance. she put her gun into her baggy jeans & breathed slowly to keep her cool. julez signalled for one of the girls to follow her to make sure that nothing else happened tonight. as she approached the car she saw that he was by himself, making her tell vivian to stay back & go home with the others.

she got closer to the passenger side & waited for the window to roll down.

" get in. " he said as he eyed her up & down, her dark skin glowing in the early morning moonlight, makeup less face, green tank top hugged tightly against her chest, & long black sew-in reaching her mid back.

she bit her bottom lip in thought & soon began to walk towards the passenger side of the car, opening the door & climbing in.

" what do you want oscar? "

❝ this is only the beginning. if we wanna stay alive, we gotta stay together. ❞

© @CUBNDOLL 💙🗞️🏹

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