Hide and Sick

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          Ashton woke up the next day not wanting to get out of his bed. He knew he had to, but the very seconds he stood up, he was impatient for the moment he would lay down again this evening. He wrote off the breakfast, partly because he was late, and mostly because he didn't want to cross Luke's path in the kitchen. Yes, that was a bit childish, so what? He showered and dressed up fast then flied out the apartment.

He grabbed pastries on the way to his office at 1200 Seconds' headquarters. 1200" was the newest of the newspapers own by the Irwin group. It aimed at a younger target that the others, which were more 'serious'. And little did he know that at the time, and not so far in the city, Luke was reading 1200" in the subway, in the need of something to occupy his mind stressed out about his first day in college.

Ashton honestly loved this newspaper and the press in general actually. He has always loved reading and writing. Journalism would probably have been his major if he wasn't half-forced by his family to choose economy and management. All his childhood, Ashton had spent it in similar offices running in between desks and tables, chatting with all the writers, photographs and others. It was somewhat of a comforting environment to him, even now. But he wished he had a more active role in the creation of the newspaper, in defining and keeping it's guiding line, in choosing the final articles, images or even in the layout. But no. That wasn't his job. He was supposed to be the grouchy old man that only cared about the facts. And by facts, he meant money.

He was only director and not editor. That was the post of the infamous Michael Clifford. The young man was a bit of an UFO in the press industry. With his red dyed hair and facial piercings, he looked like an eternal punk kid that refused to grew up, Peter Pan like. But he was also very confident and not afraid to stand up for his ideas and vision. That was something Ashton admired a lot in Michael. Along their two years of collaboration they became good friends, and even best friends. Their proximity was also enhanced by the fact that Michael fell deeply in love with Calum.

Ashton remember that on Calum very first day at 1200", Michael was drooling on the floor at the sight of the kiwi man. It didn't take too long for the two of them to became boyfriends. They moved in together around a year after. Very recently Ashton discovered that Michael had asked Calum's hand and obviously got a positive answer. Even if was somewhat of a private and quiet event in their world, it was still extremely important for Ashton, because Michael had chosen him as his best man, and he felt particularly honoured.

Somehow, Michael and Calum, usually called Malum for short, became closer to him than his own family who was yet surrounding him. Together, the trio run the most popular newspaper among the 18 to 30 years old.

When Ashton met Calum at the office this morning, they talked about their business mostly but at some point in the conversation, Ashton couldn't help but bring the topic of his new flatmate on the table.

"Did you know my grand-mother had planned to rent half of my apartment to someone else?"

"What? No, I didn't know. Why has she done that?"

"I have no idea. But yesterday I found a tall blond asparagus in the middle of the living room. And he didn't seem to know about me neither. I tried to call my grand-mother but she just confirmed the situation and didn't give any explanation."

"I know she's some kind of Machiavellian genius, but that seems just... weird."

Ashton hummed in agreement and stated a bit emotionlessly, "She wants me to bring him to Marvaux' Gala."

"What?" exclaimed Calum again, raising an eyebrow. He blinked a couple of time. His boss and friend could almost see the gears turning in his head. But nothing clicked. Ashton didn't blame him, he was just as clueless, this made no sense.

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