Adjusting to a Less Normal Life

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Chapter 15

Mallaurie’s POV

Even though everyone is interested in whom I am, they don’t seem to push for answers, after giving just one word replies they gave up on asking and left me alone. Jack is amazing, she helps me with all my work and for the past week it’s been bliss, however, Nicola has been keeping her distance. She only does that when she’s planning something and if she is, it’s definitely not good. I’ve been trying to keep an eye on her but now that everyone can see me, it’s really hard to go unseen.

“Ouch.” I hit the edge of a table. It’s hard to get used to the sensation, I’m so used to walking through things.

“Oh be careful honey, clumsy girls don’t last long here.”

Did they just call me honey?

I looked up to find Helena staring daggers into my soul, she looks frustrated, like she doesn’t understand what she’s doing.

“What’s your problem?” I snap. I hated girls like Helena, always ready for a fight.

“You’re strange, you choose to be friends with the school outcast and you have no scent.” I gulp, I didn’t think about that, what if she tells someone and they figure it out. I try to even my breathing, but it doesn’t hide my panic because she’s smirking at me now and she takes a step closer.

“Leave me alone, what are you some kind of freak?” I try to sound like I have no idea what she’s on about but I don’t think it’s working.

“Oh I’m sure you know exactly what I am.” She takes more steps forward and I step back, hitting a wall. Oh no. What am I going to do?

“Helena we’re going to be late for class.” Dillon walks in and gasps at her as she has me cornered. “What are you doing Helena?” He growls, it’s a beautiful sound, I had never noticed before but he was gorgeous. I shake my head, I’m dead and I can’t be with anyone.

“Just asking some questions Alpha.” She spits it out, like she doesn’t want to and I try to look confused, humans aren’t supposed to know about supernaturals so I shouldn’t. I’m not sure if it works though, I don’t think he’s looking at me.

“Get to class Helena.” He tells her, in a voice full of authority and I almost swoon at his face as he turns to me, full of concern. He lean down and he smells of mint, I try not to look like a freak as I get up. When I was alive, I didn’t even look at Dillon, why would I suddenly be interested when I’m dead.

“Are you ok?” He asks through gritted teeth. He probably thinks I’m weak, I would, I was cornered by a girl and needed rescuing. I quickly straighten my dress and nod to him.

“Yes, thanks for helping me.” I smile, letting him know I was genuinely grateful but I leave quickly, I didn’t want to creep him out.  I walked to History trying to rid the thoughts of Dillon out of my head but with no success, why couldn’t I forget about him?

Dillon’s POV

As she walked away I tried not to stare at her, she was so beautiful, my wolf was excited and on edge, like if we had found our mate but he’s not saying mine. Maybe she’s close, I will have to as my father about it, he said you just knew and every other female should repulse you if they were to approach you like that but she didn’t. She was just being cornered by Helena, which was unusual for her, she usually liked a challenge in a fight and she never preyed on the weak. I shake my head; I turned eighteen last week meaning I should be able to find my mate but this girl has me confused. I don’t even know her name but her scent. Oh her scent was sweet, like vanilla with a sprinkle of cinnamon to give a touch of spice but it was very faint, which was strange for a girl her age.

I shake my head again.

I should not be thinking about this girl.

She can’t be my mate.

She’s human.

I walk to my class, English and sit down, still daydreaming of her. The teacher starts the lesson but I don’t hear a thing and Jake is sending me concerned looks, across from me. While the teacher is distracted I lean forward to talk to him and he leans in return, to listen.

“Do you know the name of the new girl?” I ask, quietly, so only he can hear me.

He stops to think a moment. “Molly, I think.” He replies. His brows begin to frown. “Why?”

“Oh I helped her earlier and I didn’t know her name, I felt rude.” His brows rise. “What?” I ask.

“You don’t usually rescue damsels in distress Alpha, are you feeling ok?” If he wasn’t my best friend and Beta, I would have pinned him to the wall and demanded respect, but instead I just chuckled. I wasn’t a player but I wasn’t a good guy either so I understood his amusement.

“So funny Jake, nice to know you have my back.”

He suddenly turned serious. “You don’t think she’s your mate do you?”

“No.” I say, I wanted to be sure before I said anything; I didn’t want to scare her.

“Oh. Well I’m pretty sure her name is Molly.” He again pays attention to the teacher, he is going on about an assignment, a report of some sorts but I’m not listening. I’m too busy thinking about her blonde hair and her grey eyes, they were full of innocence, promise and potential, I wanted to get to know her more, but how could I without The Pack knowing?



“Nice of you to return to us, on Earth we are discussing the reports on the novel we studied. Have you even read the book yet?” I growl at him and he begins to get angry. “I don’t care who or what you are boy, you will complete the work, am I clear.” He spoke like an Alpha, in control and with authority.

“Yes sir.” I say through gritted teeth as some other students giggle.

“Good. I want yours by the end of the term.”

“What? Everyone else has until the end of the year!”

“That is a very good observation Dillon; I hope you enjoy the book.”

He walks away with his head in the air as the bell rings for lunch.

Thank God.

I need a run.

Jack’s POV

Mallaurie is distracted and I don’t know why. She has barely touched her food and is constantly daydreaming. I stare at her but she doesn’t notice.

I sigh. “Is it a boy?”

“What?” She says a little too fast and slightly in panic.

“I knew it!” I am triumphant! I smile.

“No. Jack. I can’t like anyone. I’m not alive remember.”

“So, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the chance while it’s there, who is it?”

“No one Jack.” She says, a little sad. I need to cheer her up.

“I’m going to guess.” I say, grinning evilly.

“You won’t get it.” She smirks.

“I made you smile; now you have to tell me.” I mentally cross my fingers that she’ll tell me.

“Nice try but still no.”

“Damn, I was so close.”

Suddenly Dillon strides in, he was sweaty, clearly he had been running and Mallaurie is now extremely interested in her food. Dillon is glancing at her and I look from her to him.

“Oh.” I say, she was right, I wouldn’t have got it.

This is not good.

Not good at all.

Mallaurie has a crush on Dillon.

And I think he likes her back. 

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