Chapter 14- The Past

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--The Past--

Renaz Shizkov, a demoness of light, stood upon a raised dias, holding a tome that laid open across her arms.

Her robes spilled to the floor, stark white against the creamy ground. The warning symbols upon the veil that covered her eyes were done in with flourish curlicue and her neck that held a single blue pendant was the only colour on her.

The doors of the chamber opened. A female was led in by Renaz' disciples.

An creature stepped forward, he had the head of an owl but the body of a man. He bowed low to Renaz. His body was clad in a scholars robes. Spectacles hung low on his chest.

He cleared his throat. "Mistress, may I introduce Lumina the Loved, from the court of Elves of the Hawkheart line. "

Renaz closed the tome and inspected the female.

She was a seer. Her face had the warning marks that Renaz had around her waist. She was powerful as she had them on her face and not on any other part of her body. Females usually asked for an audience with Renaz for love, beauty or power. She wondered what the seer wanted. It sparked her curiosity.

Renaz liked things that sparked her curiosity. After living for so long, hardly anything amused her anymore.

The Owl headed scholar took away the tome from her as Renaz stepped forward, never leaving her dias.

"Thou seek a favour of me? Speak forth." She said, the lines now learnt from the number of times she had helped the creatures of the Otherworld.

The seer bowed. "I am truly blessed to be in thy presence."

Renaz was silent, she waited for the female to continue. And she did.

"The day I was born, my mother found out that my father had a mistress. "

Ah, the life story. It was the most interesting part of her job. She loved hearing life stories. It was the one condition to meeting her for favours. You have to tell her your life story.

"My mother loved my father dearly. But the truth of his indiscretions hurt her dearly too. She prayed to the Goddess and the Goddess was kind. I was bestowed with an ability that would make all males fall in love with me."

Renaz straightened a bit. This was an interesting one. "Continue." She said, curiosity biting deep.

"But, you see, this ability will be passed down the ages, if I have a child, my child will get the blessing and I shall lose it. So, great Mistress of Favours, I beg you, please kill the seed that has taken root in my womb, I do not wish to lose my lovers."

Distaste immediately filled Renaz' mouth. Along with that was anger, disbelief and outrage.

The temperature in the room dropped. The guards exited the chamber, closing the door behind them. Even the owl had mysteriously disappeared.

Lumina the Loved glanced back at the doors, uneasily.

"You...dare try to use my light to aid your darkness? You dare try to use my pureness to kill a pure soul?" Renaz let her subconscious enter the wicked female's mind.

She saw all the males the elf had been with. All the males whose hearts she had stomped on. All the males who had drowned themselves in their love for her. Her power touched the pure soul that nestled in the female's womb. The female was paralyzed with fear. She had been warned not to garner the distaste of Renaz, the Mistress of Favours. She had been warned that the Mistress would punish insolence.

"I see her, your daughter. The pure, innocent soul, you want me to murder."

The elf's eyes widened. "Never...Never in my two hundred years have I been approached by one such as you. One to think that my light would aid you. You are filled with selfishness, greediness and insolence. To dare to think that I would kill an innocent child! Like some careless town healer!"

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