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I looked at him but not long in and creepy way and because I looked back to my friends because I wanted my friends to stop hitting me. But before I looked away I saw him look back at me. And I think I saw him... smile.
"Now who has band next?" Mrs Korn said
My friends quickly raised my hand for me.
"Ok so you can walk with miss Emily" Mrs Korn said. He nodded before looking at me once more. My friends were just fan girling out right there. Which made me laugh. The bell rang and my friends headed to band, since I had to wait for Tom. He walked up to me and smiled.
"Come on the band room isn't far from here" I said starting to walk. He followed me in silence. I guess he was worried there would be a fan girl apocalypse. We got to the band room and he went to meet the band director Mr Montauk. Mr Montauk was my absolute favorite teacher he was funny, kind, and sometimes cussed during a lesson. And he would have us do all kinds of weird things which I love. It was Toms first day so he just watched us practicing but I noticed he was looking at me a lot. But I tried to focus on the music, we were learning the nutcracker. I thought that it was quite hard for our Sophomore year but ok.
I heard giggling and looked around and saw my friends pointing to Tom who was still looking at me. The ball rang and I headed to my next class.

Time skip to end of school day————

I walked out of the school as the last bell rang. I loved to write music and I always carried around my guitar with me so I could write music. I went over to a ledge of the flower thing that our school sigh was in. I took out my guitar and started playing around with the notes to see if I could finish my song.
I played a pattern of notes and thought they would make a perfect ending to my song. I jotted then down on the bottom of my paper. I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up to see Tom.
"Hi" I said looking down and going back to writing music.
"Hi, I'm Tom Felton" Tom said
"Emilie nice to meet you" I said smiling but going back to my music.
"I'm guessing your a Harry Potter fan" he said
"Hmm... how did you know I mean it couldn't have been the deathly hollows necklace, or snitch bracelet, oh and definitely not the fact there's Harry Potter stuff on my guitar" I said sarcastically not looking up from my music
"And you like guitar" he said smiling looking very interested in me
"Mmmhmm... ah that's it" I said as I jolted down the notes and read the words. I started to play my song on the guitar ...

A/n she sang this I know this is not my song but just pretend

I finished and Tom looked amazed.
"And your good at it" he said shocked
"Well when you have nothing Left to do you can lean stuff and get good at it" I said smiling
"I'm not even that good at guitar" he said still shocked
"Well you have school, and acting to handle. I just have school" I said
"Shoot I forgot we're shooting a scene today, Well it was nice meeting you Emilie" Tom said running off
"Nice To meet you to"I said smiling. He left and I practiced some more before my friends got out of there club so we could walk home.
"What went on between you and Tom" Lana asked wiggling her eye brows.
"What are you talking about" I said laughing at her comment
"We just saw him run off to some where from here" Lily said
"He just wanted to meet me" I said
"Aww... it's the start of a beautiful relationship!" Emma said. Then they girl screamed.
"I hate it when you guys scream, besides he famous did you think of that" I said covering my ears
"But we're already planning the wedding!" Emma said. They squealed again.
"Come on let's go home" I said standing up.
"Let's" they said in unison. We walked to our neighborhood and we walked to each of our houses. I walked into my house not ready to see what was coming. I opened the door and someone slapped me.
"Go get cleaned up we're having people over" my mom yelled at me
"Yes mother" I said walking up the stairs to get washed up and changed. I changed into this...

I liked it because it was nice looking and comfortable

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I liked it because it was nice looking and comfortable. I walked down stairs to see my mom drinking another alcohol drink.
"Kid drink this" she said handing me a bottle of alcohol
"Yes mother but can I have some water to help it go down" I asked
"Sure whatever you little prick" she said walking up stairs.
I walked into the kitchen and pored me a glass of water but dumped the alcohol down the drain.
"You drink it yet kid!" Mom yelled from her room
"Yes mother" I said
"Ok and what did I say about you calling me mother" she yelled once again from the other room.
"To not call you that" I said
"Correct now what do you call me?" She asked
"Liz" I said
"Correct now never call me mother again you filthy little shit" she said walking down the stairs. There was a knock on the door.
"Get the door kid" she said
"Yes m... Liz" I said walking over to the door. I opened it to see Emma.
"Emma!" I said hugging her
"Hey Emilie" she said
"What are you doing hugging the guest?!" Mom yelled
"She's my friend from school" I said smiling
"You! Have a friend! HA! Yeah right!" Courtney howled with laughter as did my mother and step dad.
"It's ok" Emma whispered in my ear claiming me.
"Lets eat servant get the food" my mom yelled at me. I obeyed and went to the kitchen and prepared dinner which didn't take to long. I walked into the dining room to see my mother m on her third bottle of beer. And my step dad looking like he was going to pass out. And Emma's family looking worried about if my family was drunk.
"About time kid!" My step dad said
"Sorry" I said placing down the plates.
"There's no where form me to sit?" I asked a little confused.
"Why would the servant sit with her bosses and guest?" Courtney said
"Sorry" I said walking back into the kitchen and sat down at the island. And ate the leftover food which wasn't much...

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