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Of course since my parents thought I was acting like a brat last night I got beaten. But it didn't hurt as much as usual which was nice. But now I can barely do anything with out it hurting. And Emma was feeling sorry for me 24/7 and I told her to not worry because I get used to it. So when she finally did let it go she went onto How me and Tom would make a great couple... I kinda wished she had stayed on the parents topic but it was too late. So I just kinda ignored their daily comments about it and went on with my own schedule. Tom and I had become quite good friends and of course my friends wouldn't let me here the end of it. It was almost the end of the day I just had to get though reading which isn't that bad but we're not allowed to 'just read' which I thought was the point of reading but ok... there's about 10 minutes left Of class ok I can do this.
"Ok class put your books away, and take out your library books" Mrs Addams said. So I did I took out my Harry Potter book. And put my note books away.
"Now for the last 10 minutes of class we are going to be doing individual reading" Mrs Addams said
"Yes" I said to my self excited
"Go on read" she said once more. It didn't take me long to start reading.  I had three pages left in my new Harry Potter book. Yes I said three and new it may have just came out two days ago but I'm a fast reader when it comes to Harry Potter. I was on the last page when something hit me and in the head. I looked at the ground where it fell that see a note. I picked it up and opened it.
What page are you on?
I quickly wrote down my answer
The last one
I threw it behind me so Tom would get it. I had finished the book when it hit me again.
WHAT! I'm only on the first chapter! And I play a character in it!
-Tom (ps how can you read so fast?)
I smiled at his note. I felt like me and Tom were going to be good friends.
A which never reveals her secrets
I sent it back then the bell rang. I had a drivers test today and I was feeling pretty good about it. My grandma said I could use her car since my parents wouldn't let me.
"Emilie wait up!" Tom yelled
I stoped and turned around
"Hey Tom" I said smiling
"What are you up to" He asked
"Drivers test" I said smiling
"Lucky when did you turn 16?" Tom asked
"Oh today" I said
"What and you didn't tell me!" Tom said surprised.
"Well it's not that big of a deal I mean I never celebrated my birthday before so I still don't" I said shrugging my shoulders
"Why not?" Tom asked
"I don't really want to talk about it, anyways early happy birthday" I said smiling
"Thanks" Tom said smiling
"Anyways got to go, my grandmas waiting" I said walking towards the DMV
"Wait" Tom said running up to me
"Can I see your phone?" He asked
"Um... sure" I said a bit confused
"Here"he handed me my phone back
"Thanks bye!" I said waving then walking off. I looked at my phone to see Tom had put him phone number in. I smiled as I came up to the DMV where my grandma was.
"Hey grandma" I said hugging her
"Hello dear... did your parents beat you again?" She asked
"I... uh... yes" I said looking down
"As long as you aren't hurt bad" she said smiling
"The pain has gone down, Don't tell my Liz she'll find a way to make it hurt" I said worried
"Don't worry dear I won't" she said reassuring me. I smiled as the instructor came. I handed grandma my phone so I don't get distracted.

Time skip to after driving test—————

I got back I hoped I had passed. We were outside the car and he was talking to me.
"Well congrats you are Now aloud to drive" he said handing me a paper that said I passed
"Yes" I said punching the air as he walked away. I walked over to my grandma.
"Did you pass?" She asked
"Duh" I said smiling. She smiled back
"By the way Who is Tom?" She asked wiggling her eye brows
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused
"He texted you during you drivers test" she said
"Oh... that Tom he goes to my school" I said smiling grabbing my back pack.
Then my phone played the Harry Potter music. It was Tom texting me.

did you pass?
                                                   like duh 🙄
Cool I wanted to invite
you to my birthday party
if you can make it 😁
                                                         Sure 😄
Great it's a ***NW ***ave
At 3 pm tomorrow
Ok! See ya!

I put my phone away.
"Hey grandma want to help me find a present for Tom" I asked
"Sure dear let's go" she said smiling
"Let's" I said as I got into the car. We drove to Walmart. I got in and first thing I saw was Harry Potter stuff. And there was a Gryffindor quidditch shirt. I smiled I was going to give him some silly stuff and a actual present. I grabbed the Gryffindor shirt, cup, hat, pin, and face tattoos. Then I grabbed a nice watch to be his actual gift.
"Sweetheart do you want anything?" My grandma asked
"Are you sure I mean your already helping pay for this stuff" I said looking at his gifts
"Well it's your birthday to day, so pick something out" she said smiling
"Ok" I said. I walked back to the Harry Potter stuff and found what I wanted, it was a head girl badge. But then I saw something I had to get a picture of... it was a Draco Malfoy cardboard cutout.
"Grandma can you get a picture of me with this" I said pointing to the cutout
"Sure" She said taking a picture.
"Why did you want a picture of you with that?" She asked
"Oh right Tom plays Draco in the Harry Potter movies" I said reminding myself I hadn't told her
"You didn't tell me you were friends with a famous person" she said smiling
"That's because I didn't become friends with him because he's famous" I said rolling my eyes. I took out my phone and texted...

Look what I found...

And sent him the picture of me. Something told me his response was going to be good...

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