Chapter Four

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"So, you slept with Malfoy?" Ron asks. "Just slept." I confirm.

Malfoy, Hannah, and Luna aren't anywhere to be seen, so it's back to being the "Golden Trio", as people now call us. I think the name is a bit silly, but I don't protest.

"Ugh." Ron says. "It wasn't bad - and he hasn't called me 'Mudblood' in a while." I add. Harry smiles slightly. "Good. I hope he's changing - for your sake." Ron lightly touches my hand, causing me to smile. "Yeah. I don't want you to get hurt." He says.

I smile gratefully at both of them. "Thank you for not insulting Malfoy - I've sort of started to care for him." I add, blushing a little.

Harry nods. "Yeah, I get it. I didn't think I'd ever have a crush on Luna Lovegood, but now..." he trails off. "Yeah, Hannah's cool." Ron says, smiling dreamily.

"How are things going with your partners?" I ask, eating a piece of fruit.

"Good, I think. Once you get used to Luna's, er, beliefs, she's really nice and fun." Harry says.

"Okay. Hannah's cool, but she's not you, Mione." Ron sighs.

I smile a little sadly. "And Malfoy will never be you, but...I think we have to other the past behind us. We're getting married to these people - we might as well put our old partners aside and just be friends." I say logically.

"Yeah. I, er, guess you're probably right, Mione." Ron says sadly. "So...friends?" He holds out his hand, and I shake it. "Always."

Just then, Hannah runs over. "Want to hang out after class?" She asks Ron. He sighs and nods. "Yeah!" He says trying to be enthusiastic. She kisses his cheek and runs off.

"She seems nice." I say. "Perky." Harry observes, and I snort. "What's up?" Harry asks, alarmed. I start laughing.

"Remember in our fifth year, when Fred and George sold Skiving Snackboxes, and one of the things they had for sale was a Perky Pastille?" I say. "Yeah..." Harry is not getting my point. "Hannah and Ernie bought some, and they acted like they were on a sugar rush for two days!" I exclaim, and Harry starts laughing, followed by Ron.

As we laugh together, I feel an ache in my heart. Why can't it just be like this? The three of us, laughing. Like past years. Like normal.
During Transfiguration that morning, McGonagall partners me with Parvati.

As we work, she whispers, "Hermione, I just thought of something!" I put a finger to my lips and point to McGonagall. "Shh. Tell me later."

She reluctantly nods, and as soon as the bell rings, she says, "so, we're getting married to our assigned partners, right?"

I carefully note McGonagall's homework in my schedule as we exit the classroom. We both have Charms next, so she keeps walking with me.

"Yes, we are." I say. "And we're supposed to have kids with them by next January, right?" I nod slowly. "Right..." She makes a face. "So we'll have to-" I cut her off. "Stop. Parvati, you are gross!" She giggles. "But it's true!" I glare at her. "Yes, but I don't want to even think about sleeping with Malfoy."

When we get to Charms, I sit next to a Gryffindor named Lesli, so I won't have to talk to Parvati. I do not want to have kids with Malfoy. I think miserably.

I'm so out of it, lost in my thoughts, that I get a 95 out of 100 on my assignment.

"Mione, 95 is great!" Ron says, as we walk to Herbology with Harry. "Yes, but I usually get 100s." I fret. Harry is trying to hold back a smile, but he says, "don't stress it, Hermione. I'm sure you'll get a 100 next time." I sigh. "I guess. I hope you're right."

Could It Be?-A Dramione fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now