Chapter Eight

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PLEASE NOTE: This chapter contains extremely mild, PG-a very mild PG-13 implied sexual content. It's is very brief, and I will highlight it so you can skip it if you want to.
The one-week mark arrives. Thank goodness the holidays are here.

I spend my days finalizing plans with Draco, hanging out with Ron, Harry, Ginny and Luna, and missing being in class, even though I'm not sure I can manage homework right now.

One night, as I'm walking back to Gryffindor tower, using a roundabout way close to the Room of Requirement, I fall flat on my face, my bag spilling its contents everywhere.

My wrist hurts where I land on it, and a sharp pain shoots up it when I move it. Ouch.

"Ooh, clumsy, Granger." A voice sneers. I look up to see..."Pansy." I say coolly.

She plants a foot on my chest, shoving me back down. "What's a mudblood doing here?"

"Going - back - to - Gryffindor - tower." I wheeze. "Let - me - go."

She laughs. As she starts to say something, a voice says, "Pansy - let her go!" It's Draco. I find sudden strength and shove her away.

She regains her footing, glaring at me. After making a rude hand gesture, she leaves.

I lay there, coughing, my wrist hurting, my books and lists scattered all around me.

Draco runs over to me. "Mione, are you -?" "Fine. Thanks." I add as he helps me up.

He helps me pick up my things, and I shove them all into my bag.

As I along my bag over my shoulder, he suddenly kisses me. Surprised, I kiss him back.

Before I know what's happening, I'm backed up against the wall, and we're kissing furiously.

I need to be alone with Draco...I think. Suddenly, the wall behind me transforms into a door. I must have summoned the Room of Requirement.

"Shall we?" Draco asks. "Yes." I breathe.

We go into the room, which features a bookshelf, a couch, and...a bed.

I feel my throat go dry as Draco leads me over to it and gently pushes me down.

"Let me know if you don't like something." He whispers.

I nod. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm willing to just go along with whatever happens - for now.

He starts kissing me, and I respond by kissing him back. It feels amazing.

I kick off my shoes, and I hear him do the same. Then I pull my socks off, and so does he.

I gasp slightly when I feel him pull off my robe and tie...and then begin to unbutton my shirt. "Is this all right?" He asks. I nod. "Yes." I say softly.

When my shirt is unbuttoned, I smile slightly and start to lift his t-shirt over his head. He laughs slightly. "Eager?" I blush. "I'm sor-" he laughs again. "It's fine."

I feel awkward as he quickly looks at my chest. I only ever wear sports bras...I feel my shirt fall from my shoulders.

I feel my heartbeat quicken as his hands move to my skirt. He looks into my eyes. "Is-?" "It's fine." I reassure him, unbuttoning his jeans.

When we're both in our underwear, he asks, "should we....?" I finish his thought with an answer. "Yes." I whisper.

I smile up at him as he starts lifting my bra over my head...

Could It Be?-A Dramione fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now