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   You and Parzival met in the Oasis when racing to get the first key. Wade had told you he loved you when you were both at the dance. You couldn't help but say you loved him back because you did. You and the high-fivers helped him find the egg and now both of you and the the rest of the team were in charge of the oasis. And player one and player two were in love with each other.

  It was a Tuesday, a day where the oasis was off so people could get out of their house and go outside...or anywhere really. So Wade had asked you to come over to his apartment to watch movies for the day. You had agreed to it and were on your way.

(Y/n)'s POV

   I knocked on Wade's door. It took a moment but he knew it was me. When he opened the door, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and I  returned the hug by wrapping my arms around his neck and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek. 

   "I missed you, Wade." I said as we both pulled away from each other. 

   "I missed you too, babe." He replied and took my hand in his bigger one and pulled me through the doorframe. 

  "Come inside," he smiled and pulled me into his apartment. His apartment was hudge and very nice. Everything you could look for in a home. That's why I loved being here. 

   "So what movie do you want to watch, I have everything imaginable." He said as he walked over and sat down on the couch that was infront of his tv.  He turned the tv on and scrolled through tons of movies. Most of them I've seen and I love. 

"Hmmmm.....hard pick, but what do want to watch?" I asked him as I carfully sat down on his lap. 

"Does Back to the Future Part I sound good, or we can watch whatever you want to." He offered me and wrapped an arm around my lower back. 

 "No, that sounds perfect, I love that movie." I agreed, he grabbed the remote and found Back to the Future in his movies and started it. I took off my shoes and jacket, then grabbed the blanket that was on the edge of his couch. I put it over us and with me still on his lap, it made it a lot easier. I got settled in on his lap a put one of my arms around his waist while he did the same with me. After about fourty minutes into the movie I suddenly felt really tiered and ended up yawning several times.

   "You can take a nap if you want, (Y/n/n)." He said running a hand through my hair. 

"But then I'll miss the movie and you won't have anyone to talk to." I said disappointed. He laughed.

 "That's alright babe, just fall asleep. I'll end up doing the same," he reasoned with me and i laughed.

 "Okay, fine. I love you, Z." I said as I kissed his jaw. 

"I love you too." He replied lifting up my chin and kissing me on my lips, and I kissed back. Even though the kiss was like all the other ones, it was still special and full of love. He layed down on the couch while I laid on my stomach, still on top of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck once again and layed my head on his chest. 

"Night (Y/n/n), love you." Was the last thing I heard before I feel into a very peaceful sleep.

   1-800-PopCulterQuotes🏝 here! So the first one.....I hoped you guys liked it. I will try to write more but school is keeping me very busy along with my parents:/ but I'll will try to get a couple chapters in a week done and published so just keep that in mind. If you have an idea for a oneshot and want to share it with me that would be great and I do take requests so. Anyways I hope every one has a great day/ great night, thank you so much for readying and see you guys next time. Bye Gunters!!

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