Chapter Four

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Chapter Four 

                Danni’s POV

It’s been a couple days seen my encounter with the hillbilly hick club and so far no problems, but sooner or later something will happen; I can feel it in my gut and my gut is never wrong. Expect when I eat oysters. So I was lucky to find a meadow next to far my house and close to a river. I built an area that I could use to practice my elements.

I pulled rocks around to form a circle to shield anyone from seeing me and it also shields the fire from spreading out. I really don’t want to burn down the woods, again.

It feels so great to practice and stretch my elements. I even made a little agility course to practice running and climbing. You can never be over prepared as my dad always said. He also said to never order the steak from Waffle House; I don’t know why, but I’m too afraid to find out.

After a few hours of practicing, I'm walking back to my house when I felt eyes burning into the back of my neck. Deep down I wanted to run, but I refrained myself from doing so. I tried to walk a normal pace, but twigs sapped in the bushes next to me. Forgetting about keeping a low profile, I quickly jumped back ready to kick some ass and take names when a beautiful wolf walks out.

Right away I could tell it was male by how big it was and how it carries itself. The top of his head came up to the bottom for my breast and his head was freaking huge. But what took my breathe way was how his fur was a midnight black color that was tipped by silver and was contrasted to his beautiful steel grey eyes.

Most people would think, “Oh Crap, I should run. He will kill me.” but me, no I had to pet him. The wolf looks at my strangely, because he is probably use to humans running from him versus walking up to him. But I wasn't afraid, deep down I knew he wouldn’t harm me and I felt like I could trust him.

I reached out to him so he could smell me and get to know me. What surprised me was that he licks my hand and starts jumping around like a puppy.

“Awe, you may look like a man-eating beast, but deep down you’re just a little puppy; so cute.” I laugh out and he gives me a dirty look before playfully jumping on me.

With that I was on the ground laughing and playing with the gigantic wolf who could easily eat me up in one bite, but instead he is gentle and careful. Finally it's dusk and we are lying down on the grass with my head on his stomach, listening to his calming breathes. I really could have stayed like this forever, but in the distant I heard wolves crying out. With that my gentle giant licks my forehead, signaling me to get up.

Then he starts herding me back home. Who would have thought a giant wolf was the herding type.

As I walk up the steps to the back porch, I turned to look at him and notice that he is making sure I get in safely and my heart is melting with love. It’s really crazy to feel this to someone you just met, let alone to an animal. I open my door and look into his captivating eyes as I say, “You are always welcome here.”

I knew that he understood me, because I could see him do a wolfy grin and he throws his head back to howl. With that gesture, I laugh and close the door locking it for the night. Wishing he could stay, but knows that the other wolves needed him.

                Jace’s POV

I watch her as she walks through the woods at a relaxing pace. From what everyone has told me she is stunning with her long blond hair that wisp in waves down her back. I can tell she is in good shape and has beautiful curves in all the right places. She has the perfect hour-glass shaped body that makes me want to hold and touch every inch.

I walk along her matching her steps while having the brushes divide between us; I don’t want to spook her and have you run off in panic. Suddenly I walk on a twig and I mental growl at myself. I watch as she quickly jumps back in a defensive stance, ready for a fight. I cock my brow at her through the bushes and wonder why she is ready to fight instead of running.

Slowly, I walk out from the brushes revealing myself to her. At first I thought she would run, but instead she walks up to me and sticks her hand out. Everyone is right; I could feel waves of power rolling off her. What is she?

As soon as I lick her hand, I felt a spark running through my body making my heart beat faster. I can’t believe this beautiful creature is my mate. Her scent was a mixture of honeysuckle, roses, and fresh rain that makes my mouth water in enthusiasm.

With all this unfolding, I cannot help but jump and roll around like a puppy. I forgot that she was before me until she starts laughing. Even her laughing is turning me on and makes my wolf want to claim her. But I knew that I had to play my cards right and figure her out before doing that. When she calls me a puppy, I give her a dirty look before jumping at her.

What shocked me most is how she gets down and begins to play with me. For an hour we rolled around, played tag, and ended up on the ground with her head on my stomach. I watched as she as her eyes are closed and declared that I will do everything in my power to protect her. She is my other half that makes me whole, she calms my soul, and she is the reason why I am here.

In the distant I hear my pack howling, signaling that I was needed. Getting up, I lead her to her home making sure that she was safe. I sit back giving her space when she turns around looking me in the eyes. I was lost in those deep emerald eyes, knowing that it would take forever to get out.

“You are always welcome here,” Danni softly whispers, making my heart slip. I was so utterly happy that I threw my head back and let out a loud howl.

Danni chuckles softly and turns to walk inside. She leaves me with a loving look and closes the door. I didn’t leave until I heard the lock click into place. Taking off into the woods, I finally feeling complete and knowing my mate is here after years of searching.

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