Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen 

                Danni’s POV

I really didn’t sleep last night so I got up about four in the morning and just started working. I went to the detach shed and worked on my dad’s old boat. It’s not much, only ten feet long and three feet wide with a little motor on the back; I pushed it out into the water and tired it off to the pier. It’s good to have just in case I can’t get to the main road.

After that I watch the sunrise and it looks like rain is coming, the saying ‘Red sky at morning, Sailors take warning; Red sky at night, Sailors delight' comes to my mind. Next I made myself a breakfast burrito, but that tasted like dirt so I grab the half empty bag of Pixie Sticks and a Kit-Kat bar and was munching away on the pouch when the rain ambushed me. Now I am sitting on the couch in black sweats and a purple wife-beater watching Judge Judy.

The longer I sit here, the more depress I feel. Last night I sleep on the couch, because I didn't want to sleep in my old room since the bed is for a child and I never want to go into my parents’ bedroom. I haven’t been in there since they were killed and I have never had the courage to go in. Heaving a sigh, I walk into the kitchen and make myself a cup of hot tea. Maybe I should go in there, I don’t have anything from them; maybe there is something up there.

After having a very verbal debate with myself, I pump up my ego and I start up the stairs. The master bedroom and bath takes up the whole second floor while my room is on the main floor with the bathroom, kitchen, and living room. Looking at the walls as I climb the stairs, I see a number of pictures with me and my parents. They instantly bring back all the good memories and I smiled at the sight of them. Before I know it, I am standing in front of the door and for a second I just didn’t move. Closing my eyes, my hand hovers over the door knob, but a boom of thunder shakes me and the house; bringing me back. I quickly open the door and push my way in the room.

The room is still the same as the day I left with my parents after the first attack. We stayed here for a week before leaving. Before then we really didn’t come here too often, time got away from us. The room was painted a light yellow with white furniture and sky blue accessories. My mom was good at home decorating.  Overall the room was in good shape, I needed to vacuum and dust and probably change the sheets.

I notice the bookcase and I see the old family scrapbook. I take it and go to the screen pouch and settle into one of the rocking chairs my dad built. It is still drizzling and the temperature has dropped a few degrees. As I look through the scrapbook, I laugh to myself at the pictures of my parents and of me. There are pictures from every birthday and every Christmas I had with them. They really did spoil me as a kid. What surprised me were the pictures right before we were attacked at our house we added towards the end of the book. When I turned to the last page a letter fell out. Taking the letter I open it and read;


If you are reading this it means that something happen to your mother and I. It also means that you survived and made it to safety. The day I became a father was the happiest day of my life. You were so small and precious in my arms; I never wanted to let you go. As the days turned to months and then turned into years, I watched you grow. You have always had a sense for justice and always did they right thing. Also you always said what was on your mind. The day you got your first element I was so proud of you even though you burned the kitchen down. I even was happy when you got your second element, but when you develop the third then fourth and so on, I got scared. Your mother and I knew that people would be after you in a flash if word ever got out that you existed. We did everything possible to protect you, but I guess we didn’t do enough. I want you to know that we both love you and always stand tall and give everything you have in everything you do. Promise me one thing, find happiness, find someone who will love you and never let them go. Always remember that your mother and I love you and even if we are gone, we are always with you especially in your heart.

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