Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One


           Danni’s POV

It’s been a couple hours since Jeremy came for his little visit and I am getting a little irritated. For someone who has been after me for years, he sure is giving me distance. Which makes me believe it is all apart for his plan. I figure that he will try to break me and put me into my place, well good luck with that you jerk.

I'm sitting on the edge of the bed watching the clock, which at this point I want to smash it due to the annoying ticking it makes. There isn’t much in the room just a bed, table with a lamp, and a dresser that’s empty. Who ever thought to dress a room in blacks and browns should really be shot in the face; I mean come on those two colors are disgusting together! Also I really need to use the bathroom, but the door leading to what I believe is the bathroom is locked.

Standing up, I inspect the room again to see if I miss any way for me to get out. The window has bars on the outside and there is a fifty or so foot drop. Both doors in the room are locked and are made from solid hard wood. Looking around, I notice that I don’t see any air vents on the floors or ceiling. I look behind bed and see nothing, so I walk over to the dresser. Pulling it out a few inches I can see an air vent that is big enough for me to fit. The only problem is that I need a flat head screw driver.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming up to the door and the lock turning. I push the dresser back and hustle back to the bed as the door opens. A woman walks in with a man standing behind her in the hallway.

“I got it from here Damon, you can stay out there.” Is all she says as she shuts the door and looks at me.

The woman looks to be in her late twenties and her hair is jet black just like her eyes. I notice that she is holding a grocery bag and over her arm is a dress. The woman walks over to the other door and pulls out a key then unlocks it. Coming over to me she sets down the bag and dress before looking at me.

“My name is Malinda and I will help you get ready for tonight. I have a box of hair color remover, make-up, and other things you might need. Please don’t fight with me, because he will find out and both of us will be punished.” Malinda says as she gives me a pointed look.

Before I can say anything, Malinda pulls me towards the bathroom and shoves me in with the bag. I go to glare at her, but she is already shutting the door and locking it. Sighing dramatically, I do as I am told; Jeremy is probably thinking I will fight so I will have to choose my battles wisely.

I empty the bag out and I begin with my hair. I see that there is a timer, so I set the right amount of time and I wait. You would think my hair would have fallen out by now with all the hair dye I have used over the years, but it's in pretty good shape; lucky me. As I wait I look through all the drawers and cabinets that are limited with tools. When I come across metal nail file I mentally sing to the heavens.

I squeak when I hear the timer and I laugh at myself. Quickly I jump into the hot shower to wash my hair and my body. When I hop back out a few minutes later, I see a robe and lace undergarments in the place where my clothes were. I roll my eyes at that, but I get dress any way. When I am done I slip the nail file into the pocket and go out to the bedroom.

Malinda is looking out the window and she turns to look at and says, “I surprise that you aren’t fighting me, Jeremy said that you are a wild one.”

“Well I’m sorry for being a great disappointment. How do you fit into all this? I kind of expected to have Jeremy all over me as soon as I woken up.” I answer in an icy tone.

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