Recovery 16- part 2

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Jacobs POV

I bet they are still not looking for me. I mean yea Matt and I got into a fight but they can't just forget me. I've been here for a full day. I looked around and found nothing. I began a fire and found some berries. I ate some and walked back to the fire.

Jacob would you like some more berries?

Yes why thank you Jacob

Your welcome what do you want to talk about?

Let's talk about how I'm going to Miss out in Magcon for next year.

Oh that's bad well that's unless someone finds you.

Your right 100% right

Well here we go again with talking to myself. I looked down at my clothes and realized I had no shirt on and my pants were all ripped. Well shit now I look like Tarzan.

Look Jacob it's a big apple on top of that tall tree lets go get it.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! stop talking to yourself Jacob! I began to climb the tree until I reached the very top. I grabbed the apple and ate it. I was starving. I looked down and saw I was about 20 feet up. Oh my fucks I'm afraid of heights. Oh well.

"YOLO!" I screamed. I jumped down from branch to branch until I reached the floor. That was fun. I began doing that for the next 2 hours.

Evans POV

"Ok we've been looking everywhere were the fuck could this bitch be!?" Matthew exclaimed. I looked at the ground thinking where would someone hide where no one could find you. No reception. No internet. Well that already seems like hell but I can't go down there so maybe somewhere else.

"What if he's dead laying around at the bottom of a river." Mahogany asked.

"He's not dead!" Aaron yelled at Mahogany. She rolled her eyes and murmured "It could happen" I laughed to myself and got it.

"I got it!" I jumped up on the bench of the school.

"Really? You barley remember where you were three days ago."

"Doesn't mean I can't have ideas Dillion"

"My bad continue"

"Ok so I was thinking. Where's a place without reception and no internet? You can't say hell because we can't go there." they all looked at each other thinking.

"Exactly you don't know. Meaning he went to the woods. We haven't checked there so we need to go!" I smiled. They all looked surprised and nodded.

"That's a good idea but let's at least have fun with this" Taylor responded smirking.

"Tay were in a search party not a-"

"Let's disguise ourselves as spies!" he jumped up and down.

"Oh my gosh. I can't but I guess we can"

*After dressing up as spies*

I was wearing really baggy pants with lots of pockets and it was colored black. I wore a tank too and a belt around my waste holding things. A pocket knife, pepper spray, iPhone, charger, snack, and sunglasses but the raybands. I walked outside looking cool.

"Zayum bae!" Cameron laughed at his own joke which wasnt even a joke.

"Dork" he laughed sarcastically and we all walked up to the school. (it's a Saturday).

"Ok my group goes this way and Jack J's group goes that way" Matt said pointing to right and left. Everyone nodded and spread. I went onto the group chat and send something.

Evan-Once you reach the beginning of the woods text us so you don't loose reception and leave trail marks just incase✋


Matthew-Good idea👍

Taylor-Smart. And Matt she's right next to you!


Jack J-I want a hamburger😁🍔

Mahogany-I won't let him enter Mcdonalds don't worry😒


Evan-Aaron we all do but don't worry we will.

Matthew-Evans right well we are going to keep searching so text y'all when we get there

Aaron-Great bye

We began moving around looking for the woods.

"Wait!" Matthew stopped.

"What?!" I yelled annoyed.

"Well my bad. Anyways we can't just go in some random place in the woods we'll never find him!"

"Then how do we find him?" Nash asked annoyed aswell.

"We have to go to the hospital and go from where he was" Matt had a point.

"Your right" I began walking and everyone just stayed in their spots. "well what are you waiting for!?" I widened my eyes. They walked faster up to me and walked by my side. I kept walking until we all reached the hospital.

"Do you need to see anyone?" the lady at the front desk asked.

"No uh...i left something here and we need to go get it"

"Not all of you though"

"I'm sorry they need to come with me"

"No you can't-" as she tried finishing her sentence I walked away with the boys. We ran to the spot where Matt and Jacob fought.

"Ok so he was standing right here" Matt pointed out. "then when I turned to you guys he ran off." he replied throwing his hands up in the air. Then a light bulb went off in my head.

"Excuse me from here where's the woods?" I asked one of the doctors.

"Turn this left and go straight from there" he pointed. I smiled and gave the boys the eyes to follow me. I kept running and running until it said 'Welcome to Malibu Woods' we all took out our phones and went onto the group chat.

Matthew-Guys meet us at the Malibu Woods sign

Jack J-Ok we are close a good 15 minutes

Evan-NOOO!!! I don't wanna wait that long!

Mahogany-Babe you kinda have to we can't get a cab one we won't fit and two

Nobody can know Jacob went missing.

Nash-Run if you have to I agree with Evan I don't wanna wait long either

Cameron-Nash! Give them time

*12 minutes later*

"Oh goodie you guys took less" I jumped up and down

"Let's get going" Nash announced to the double sized group. We walked in and heard yelling.


"That's Jacob" Matthew sighed. We kept walking until we reached an area with no trees. It looked deserted but it wasn't. That's when someone jumps infront of us. He is shirtless and you could see his abs. I looked to his face and it was Jacob.


Ok so this was the end of the part 2 and yea😁 I'm looking forward to the next chapter💕 bye babes❤️

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