Prologue: The Summoning

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A Strange Dream

I was wandering around in a battlefield aimlessly, all I could see were fallen warriors that look to be knights but that's when I saw someone sitting on top of a hilltop alone and sad. I tried to call out to her but it seemed like anything I did went unnoticed by her like I was never really there. I thought all hope of her noticing me was lost until she was looking directly to where I was standing.

???: "Who are you?"
Y/N: "I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N, what's your name?"
???: "You speak but I cannot hear your voice why is that?"

Before I could figure out why she couldn't hear me I could feel my presence in this dream was fading much to my displeasure. She seem to have noticed and tries to reach out for me desperately.

???: "Please don't go! I've been alone in this never ending nightmare for so long! Help me please...I don't want be here anymore..."

End of Dream.

???: "Y/N are you alright you seemed to have been crying in your sleep?"
Y/N: "It's noting to worry about Toole I'll be fine."

Toole wrapped her arms around me and brought me into a hug much to my surprise.

Toole: "You know if something is bothering you, you know you can always rely on me to be there for you Y/N."
Y/N: "I know and I appreciate you for always being by my side Toole be it good times or bad."

 Toole was not your everyday human like you and me, she was a Homunculus

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Toole was not your everyday human like you and me, she was a Homunculus. A artificial life form brought into this world by untraditional means. Unlike her Homunculus counter parts she had more individuality than most Homunculi. Toole was one of the few people in my life that I trusted ever since my family found out that I had the mark of the outsider on my hand. Black magic such as the mark of the outsider was considered a crime against Magecraft itself, anyone who possessed the mark were to be eliminated on sight. So my family planed to murder me in order to keep the family name from being tarnished. If it wasn't for Toole I wouldn't have been fortunate enough to escape. After we escaped we found a place to call Home and we've be under the radar ever since.

Toole: "Dose the mark on your hand hurt anymore?"
Y/N: "Not since I was first marked by the black eyed man."

Flashback-The Outsider
Outsider: "You will play a pivotal role in the days to come. For this, I have chosen you and drawn you into the Void. I am the Outsider, and this is my Mark."


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