Chapter 5: Lost Souls

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POV: Mordred

As we returned home Jeanne had been waiting for us, to clarify she has been waiting for Y/N to returned home to give a serious lecture on his recklessness tonight and the night before. She was really laying into him i kinda wanted to help him but Jeanne is seriously scary when she's pissed. Note to self: DON'T PISS OFF A SAINT!!! I noticed that Y/N shoulder was bleeding and began to drip from his hand to the floor. His wound he got from Assassin most have reopened when he was fighting my father and his father.

Mordred: "Master Your bleeding."
Y/N: "So I am, Don't worry I'll be fine."
Jeanne: "Your as pale as a ghost let me see it."
Y/N: "I said I'm fine dammit!"

When Jeanne touch his shoulder to examine his wound Y/N immediately pushed her away surprising Jeanne. He tried to walk away only to collapse from blood loss. He would have fallen on the floor if Jeanne hadn't caught him.

Jeanne: "Please let me help you."
Y/N: "Fine..."

Something was bothering Y/N greatly to have cause him to lash out at Ruler like he did. I had feeling it was more than just about not getting his revenge. I'll have to ask him when he's alone.


Jeanne had brought me to the bathroom to clean and tend to my reopened wound.

Jeanne: "Please take off your shirt."
Y/N: "I'm fine really."
Jeanne: "A boy who says he is merely fine is more then likely to be hiding something."
Y/N: *Sighs* "Fine you win."

I did what Jeanne asked of me. Once my shirt was off Jeanne was a blushing mess like as if this was the first time she's seen a guy shirtless before, who am I kidding she's a saint this is probably the first time she's seen a guy shirtless before. Laeticia had the same problem not with boys shirtless just boys in general. Like this one time a boy in our school asked her to the school dance and she was a mess trying to play it cool and reject him saying she wasn't interested. I guess that trait of Laeticia's most have rubbed off on Jeanne probably.

Y/N: "Hello Jeanne?"
Jeanne: "..."
Y/N:  "Jeanne?"
Jeanne: "..."
Y/N: "Earth to Jeanne?"
Jeanne: "..."
Y/N: *sighs* "Alright, Just know I didn't want it to come down to this but Jeanne when I was cleaning your room one day I found the box of photos you have of me sleeping under your bed!"
Jeanne: *blushes* "WHAT!!!!!!?????!!!!?????"
Y/N: "Care to explain?"
Jeanne: *blushes* "I-I you see..."
Y/N: "I'm Just kidding Jeanne I  know your not like that."
Jeanne: *blushes* "R-right."
Y/N: "Jeanne there also something I've been wanting to ask you."
Jeanne: *Blushes* "W-what?"
Y/N: "Why are you helping me?"
Jeanne: "You are hurt it's only natural that I would want to help you."
Y/N: "I mean why are you aiding me in the war? Usually Ruler servants just observe the Holy Grail war making sure no one is cheating."
Jeanne: "It was Laeticia's wish that I'd help keep you safe."
Y/N: "Thats Laeticia for you. She always did put others before herself it's what I like about her..."

Jeanne's hand began to glow as she made her way towards me. She started to heal the wound I got from That Assassin servant. This might have been from the blood loss but as Jeanne was healing me her appearance changed to that of her altered form.

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