☆Chapter Seven☆

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Keith walked to the kitchen, running his free hand on the wall as he walked, to find his way. He felt lost, without having Lance to guide him around. He missed the brunette, and that's all his mind could think about.

He found the entrance to the kitchen, and walked in. He was hit with a whiff of an overpowering smell, and knew the Head Mistress was in there. He looked down, and held the Tea Cups out, "Here, Ma'am" he said shyly, wishing he didn't have to face her directly.

He heard footsteps as she walked over, and he felt her lift the Tea Cups from his hands, "Hmm.." she gave a grouchy grunt as she turned and put them away, "Good" was all she said about them. "Get to your room, you were supposed to be in bed by now"

Keith lifted his head, "But.. Ma'am what about dinner?" He backed up a bit as he heard foot steps come closer to him again, and smelled so much of her perfume that he felt dizzy. He gripped the wall to help him stand.

"I will bring you your dinner. Last I recall, you broke Tea Cups, and a tray. Now you'll get punished for it" She grumbled. There was a pause, and Keith felt a tug on his necklace, "Where did you get this from?" She asked, sternly. Keith stiffened, "I-I.."

"I don't have all day, boy. Talk." She snapped, making Keith flinch, "I met somebody!" He said, panicked. The head mistress had a firm grip on the necklace now, bringing Keith forwards a bit, "You met someone? Now it makes sense on how you were able to get to the store without being run over by a car." She growled, and yanked the necklace off him completely. The chain broke, and the star pendant fell the the floor. Keith let out a cry and fell to his knees, moving his hands around the floor blindly, to find it, "No! No!" He cried. The head Mistress scoffed, "Gays and their nonsense" she walked past him, "Go to your room now. Loving other boys is prohibited in this house. You'll have to learn the hard way"

Keith felt his heart drop, NO! The pendant, the star, shit! Where is it?! Tears threatened his eyes as he searched. Relief washed over him when his hands felt the protective glass of the star. He stood, clutching it in his hand. I thought going out to buy Tea Cups ALONE was punishment enough.. well.. sort of..I met Lance. And that was the most amazing moment of my life. He thought, turning and guiding himself back towards his room.

As he walked, he could hear the kids whispering about him.

"Freak" one whispered.

"No eyes" whispered another.

Keith felt his face burn in embarrassment, I'm not gonna be able to leave this place tomorrow.. his heart throbbed, his hand finding the door handle to his room.

He knew it was his, because he nicked the handle with dents so he could tell. He opened his door and got inside, closing the door as well, and sat criss cross on his bed. He ran his thumbs over the star pendant, and took of the cloth of lance's jacket, that he had tied around his head.

Keith felt the two objects, and turned his head to look at the cloth. He gave a small grin, This is Lance's jacket sleeve.. he paused, and felt his face redden a bit, what.. does he smell like?

He felt a weird excitement in his stomach as he sniffed the sleeve. His eyes sparkled, It smells.. like the mints we eat during dinner..! It's mint! He gave a grin, but tears began streaming down his face. He hugged the star, and the cloth, tightly to his chest.

"I'm sorry Lance.. I don't think I'll be able to get out of here tomorrow.. to.. to see you.." his grin had faded, and he laid sideways on his bed, hugging them still. The head mistress forgot to bring him his food. He fell asleep hungry, and feeling lost more than ever.

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