Chapter 12

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I wake up on the couch of the Slytherin common room, realizing the warmth of Draco's body cradling mine has vanished. I sit up, stretching, and rub my eyes. I let my eyes adjust to my surroundings and scan the room, looking for him. He's not here. He must have went up to get dressed. I check the clock on the wall, breakfast started 10 minutes ago. Damn. I get up and realize I'm still wearing my robes anyway, I quickly run my fingers through my hair and grab my bag, dashing out the door.

I run into the Dining Hall and look around. I see Harry, Ron, and Hermione all eating and talking together at the Gryffindor table, but when my eyes glide past them and over to the Slytherin table, I find Draco is no where to be found. Strange. I walk over and sit down next to Hermione. "What's wrong?" She asks, noticing the concern on my face as I scan over the Slytherin table a few more times, just to be sure. "Have you seen Draco anywhere?" I ask. Ron rolls his eyes subtly, and I pretend I don't notice. Harry and Hermione shake their heads and my eyebrows furrow as I scan the table once more, as if I hadn't already checked a dozen times.

By my third class of the day, the only class I share with Draco, he is still no where to be found and I start to get this horrible feeling in my stomach. Something is wrong. No. He's just sick and decided to stay in bed. But why didn't he tell me? Something is definitely wrong. Suddenly the door to the classroom swings open and I whip my head up to see Draco slam the door behind him quickly. He looks very frazzled and distraught. What has he been up to? I look around the room and notice he has everyone's attention. "Mr.Malfoy. Late." Snape says in his usual condescending tone. "Sorry sir." Draco mumbles and then walks swiftly to find the empty seat beside me. He doesn't look me in the eyes but I know he can feel my eyes burning into the side of his head. His eyes are glossed over and his bottom hip is quivering ever so slighty. I place my hand on his knee reassuringly, and he finally looks at me. His expression is all too familiar. The same look he had that dreadful day in the bathroom. "What?" I whisper, obvious concern laced into my words. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. Snape clears his throat loudly to direct our attention back up to the lesson. Our heads whip up to meet his questionable stare, and then he returns to his teaching. We don't speak a word for the remainder of class, but my hand stays on his leg, rubbing soft circles of reassurance.

What the hell happened?

When class is over, Snaps calls for Draco to stay after for a moment. I give his hand a soft squeeze before walking out of the room. However, I don't go far. I wait for Draco outside of the door.
"Is it done?" I hear Snape whisper. "It is." I hear Draco reply, after a long moment of silence. I hear other soft whispers, but I can't make out what they are saying. Then the door opens and Draco steps out. He doesn't notice me standing beside the door. He leans on his side against the door with his back to be and let's a heavy, sorrowful sigh. I hesitate for a moment, then delicately place my hand on his lower back. He flinches and turns his head. Upon noticing it's me, he dives into me, wrapping me into a tight embrace and begins to cry. "Shhh," I comfort him. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask him carefully. He pulls away from my embrace and looks at me. "What did you do?" I whisper as I brush my thumb across his cheek, wiping his tears. He sucks in a breath as he appears to be composing himself. "I poisoned a drink that will soon be delivered to Dumbledore. He should be dead by tomorrow." He says with almost no emtion. I gasp softly. I don't know how to react. I hug him again, to let him know I understand and to comfort myself at this news I have just received. I also begin to cry. It seems all we ever do is

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