Chapter 1.

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Present Day (Night):
Ralph snuck out of his hut and made his way up to the blazing mountain top. The moon hung directly above the island, showering it's soft light onto the surface of the land and water. Ralph eventually reached the top of the mountain and sure enough Jack was waiting for him. Ralph smiled and ran into his lover's embrace.

Jack: You don't have to keep loosing sleep, love...

Ralph: What? We can't exactly meet up during the day.

Jack: Maybe we can. If we just stay hidden we could—

Ralph: They'll wonder where we are...

Jack: Well maybe we could get up early? Or say we're looking around the island?

Ralph: Somebody'll want to come with us...

Jack: Ralph... we don't have to do this every night you know... you look exhausted...

Ralph: *yawn* I know... I just want to spend time with you...

Jack: I want to spend time with you too but we both need to sleep...

Ralph: Mm... when we get rescued... do you think... think we'll...?

Ralph started falling asleep in Jack's arms. Jack sat down and laid Ralph on his lap. He leaned down and moved the blonde hair off of the boys forehead before gently placing a kiss on it. Ralph was asleep soon after, Jack smiled at him.

After a few moments Jack gently laid Ralph on the ground and put more wood on the fire. Once he made sure it was enough, he picked Ralph up and started to carry him down to the huts on the beach.

The moonlight would occasionally shine through the leaves of the fruit and palm trees above them. Ralph surprisingly wasn't very heavy, especially considering that Jack was a little on the skinny side and Ralph seemed to have the body type matching a boxer's. Even if all body types wavered over their years on the island.

It took a while to get down to the beach where the huts stood, Ralph would occasionally adjust his position while he was still asleep. Jack was careful with every step he took, that way he wouldn't fall, trip or drop Ralph, definitely not a mix of all three.

When he got to the huts laying across the beach, he walked into one and laid Ralph down where he usually slept. Jack gently kissed Ralph on the forehead a second time before turning around and seeing Simon, standing in the doorway, staring at him. Jack tried to stay quiet.

Jack: How long have you been there...?

Simon shrugged. He responded, also trying to stay quiet.

Simon: Been awake for a few hours, maybe just one. I'm sure I fell asleep for a bit, but maybe not...

Jack carefully walked out of the hut and started to make his way back to the mountain. Simon's voice, still quiet, made him stop.

Simon: How long?

Jack shrugged.

Jack: Three months? I don't exactly have a calendar here...

Simon: Neither do I.

There was a long, deafening pause, the two boys stood frozen.

Jack: You'll tell the others won't you? Especially Piggy?

Simon opened his mouth to answer, but closed it to think more. He turned his head so he could barely see Jack's silhouette.

Simon: I dunno... I mean... you two being a thing, ought to mean almost nothing right? Then again... Piggy's Ralph's best friend, and he really doesn't like you... I hope it wouldn't be a big deal...

Jack sighed.

Jack: Bluntly, it probably will. Or it'll be surprising in the very least... Ralph is actually really worried about betraying you and Piggy by being with me...

Simon looked at Ralph who was asleep in the tottery hut. Then he looked back at Jack.

Simon: I don't really mind.

Jack: Why not?

Simon: Doesn't seem like that big of a deal, I don't have a reason to be upset. At least I can't think of one.

Jack found himself smiling at the thirteen year-old.

Jack: Thanks, but,

Jack's face went a little dark.

Jack: Can you not tell them...? I don't want to put pressure on you... but Ralph is really scared of what you and Piggy'll think... not to mention everyone else...

Simon looked at him for a moment before nodding.

Jack: You won't tell anyone...?

Simon shook his head.

Simon: No. But I ought to be careful if I were you. Piggy can be very perceptive, he's not an idiot.

Jack: Far from that... we're already trying to be careful...

Simon: All I'm saying is that he might get suspicious if you two disappear every night and wake up looking like you had no sleep at all...

Jack: I know, that's what I'm trying to tell Ralph... both of us are losing sleep...

Simon: I can tell. So can Piggy, Roger and Maurice, especially the littluns... be careful, please...

Jack nodded. Simon yawned.

Simon: I-I'm going to bed... you ought to do the same, you got large bags under your eyes. Might want to take a break tomorrow, both of you.

Jack: Noted, g'night Simon.

Simon: G'night Jack.

Simon stepped into one of the huts as Jack went up to finish tending to the fire.

Jack: "Maybe telling them wouldn't be so bad..."

Jack shook it off, though, when he thought about it. Piggy was the most sensible out of all of them, he may actually understand like Simon did. He bit his lip, should he tell Ralph that Simon knew? Ralph may freak out, but what'll happen after Jack explains how the boy reacted?

Being completely calm and understanding, was the kind of reaction that both should have expected from Simon. After all, Simon was a fairly sensitive boy himself. And personally disliked heavy confrontation and squabbling.

Jack sighed to himself as he made sure the fire had enough wood. He sat down and leaned back against a rock as his eyes grew heavy. Maybe they should take a day off tomorrow, leave Piggy in charge of the society, and Roger in charge of the hunters for the day while Jack and Ralph got their much needed rest. Jack yawned.

He knew a way to make a more stable and permanent bond between him and Ralph, but it was a huge and important decision to make. After all, they were still kids. Isn't it a little to early to marry?

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